Playing twinks is fun.

No one said anything about needing it.

Again, that’s all twinks were at that level…

Yeah OP toons absolutely.

Yea just by using heirlooms that were enchanted and gear from the AH

Yep they sure are

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AH Blue gear that is very expensive to buy. Plus trinkets that are more powerful than the heirlooms. We can go back and fore all day on this, but the fact is they were removed for a reason. Bring back templating and I am fine with twinks coming back.

Just need to look at the level 20 twinks coming through.

Blue gear is rarely expensive, and even if it is you easily can get it from bags from dungeons and dungeons themselves. You took the trinkets that are more powerful than the heirlooms, but you get those from the bg crates themselves and dungeons themselves fairly easily as well and they can last for a few brackets too. We can go back and forth on it and im not trying to flame or focus but it can be self evident of this case by doing some bgs and dungeons. This is of course before you can buy gear with marks of honor and gold, where heirlooms can be BiS or decent.

Yep 19s, you get your 400hp players and your 800hp players.
At level 12, this character had double most unkempt levelers HP.

I was efficient then and I am even more efficient now.

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Wilkshire what is this +20 all stats on your chest, don’t remember any such enchant?

Oh twink gear on the AH is expensive. Yeah I took the trinkets because that’s what twinks aim to use, no I’m not speaking about the trinkets from bg rewards. What twinks do takes time and gold for sure.

Old peerless? I have not upgraded this guy much, maybe I should do some quests and dungeons now that I am level 15. :thinking:

Looks like its an armory error from a previous expansion. That would be really cool if it was +20.

or maybe if it truly is old its grandfathered in as a +20, that would be amazing so I would be careful bout it. Unlikely though.

+2 is correct, not the best option.

Twink gear though is not really expensive, you don’t even have to spend a cent on it except for enchants but even then you can get the materials yourselves and only buy the recipes.

Unless you include the gold from buying the heirlooms.

You can put as much gold as you want into it, but not much is required at all.

Yeah but you see I dont want to twink at low level. I just want to have fun with other levelers in the bg’s which Blizz agrees with, but they did not nerf twinking it was xpoff that was nerfed. If you look at 110-119 there are still twinks going on, they are just leveling through. I did that at 110 until my toon was a certain azerite neck level and my hp allowed me to survive, and then I would switch XP back on.

Correct, as do the rest of us.
They are leveling grounds once again.

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But thats not what I was talking about, I was just pointing out the viability of throw away twinks and how enchanting heirlooms can be twinking. I sincerely doubt there are any twinks in 119 bracket, that requires specific gearing to be effective and it wouldn’t make much sense to make one to level. You see, my point was that you cannot stop gearing in the lower brackets because of how easy it is to gear. You could gear too! It is fairly simple. Now this is unless they reinstate templates which would definitely and likely be a bad idea as evident how empty the last expansion was in PvP by mid expansion.

Yeah I am happy with that, the bgs are fun. However there is an army of level 20’s (just switch off the payment on the account) which I’m sure I can get the armory for or SS which everyone seems to clamor.