Playing on Horde is too...easy

It makes me a worse player. This is mostly in regards to random BGs.

When I’m on my Alliance characters my fellow allys are battle hardened veterans who have stuck with it through the bad times. I have to put forth 10x as much effort to secure a win and when we do win it feels great.

When I’m on a Horde character I just kind of…win? Its just expected. It certainly doesn’t challenge me.

I usually merc because I don’t like beating up on the underdog. Stealing the win from the ‘better’ faction feels so much more satisfying.


In the words of Kurt Angle… It’s true. It’s damn true.

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I shouldn’t even respond to this thread cause it is clearly bait.

But I will.

I am disappointed in you.


Most of the time it just feels like pure luck to me. Sometimes I get amazing wins on horde, and then sometimes I get agonizing defeats that wipe away any kind of past positive emotions I had from victory before.


Horde = easy mode faction
It’s easy because it’s the faction the developers play. Blizzard has spent years promoting and marketing the Horde as the faction they want you to play and it worked. Horde is the more popular faction because of it. And they develop the game with Horde in mind first.


Cool story, I melted 50000 horde before the first xpac even came out. Didnt even break a sweat.


So your “battle-hardened veterans” always lose to poorer players? Your logic doesn’t really make sense.


Horde has a better and I guess more fickle playerbase. The ones that are still Alliance are battle hardened, certainly from defeats if nothing else.


i merc too on my horde because i get 2m queues for normal bgs and win a lot of them. which seems like a better use of time than spending 20m in queue for horde and losing.


You better be trying as Horde.

We don’t want to carry you.


Hee hee, good one! :rofl: Instead of winning from being on a team that worked toward objectives, you totally just won because horde. Indeed :+1:t4:

When I merc mode, I’m lucky to not see the entire alliance offense crumple from a face off with a quarter of horde’s brand of crazy that-flag-is-MINE. Ugh


Maybe I’m playing the wrong game, but I tend to win more on Alliance than Horde on average nowadays, but not by much.

BTW while on Eye of the Storm, I knocked 7 people off a cliff in total with my Kultiran rogue :wink:


i win more as alliance too which is why i even merc in the first place. though you do run into the occasional bg where horde scores first and 6 people rage quit and you never recover.


Then roll Alliance

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This doesn’t make me feel any less jealous…

I think you missed the part about the Horde and Zanda being superior…

Reading comprehension skills…

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And you missed the part where they stated if you think the superior class is too easy then hop to the faction that has a hard time if you want a challenge.

Common sense…


So what you are saying is, because they think the Horde is all powerful it must be so, and you are going to hop on your Horde alt to verify that it is imbalanced?

And then claim it is common sense as to why you are doing it.

It is not common and it is also lacking in sense.

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If the excuse is it’s too easy when Alliance had 30% extra rewards at one point and still have more than horde and got a free 400ivl item for camping a flight path I say yes go for it.

Swap to Alliance. We don’t want babies on the Horde.


The time of day you play changes how the BG feels. Early morning to early afternoon=alliance easy win. But at peak hours from maybe 2pm to 10pm every victory is a challenge. Hard fought. Very close. Few and far between.