Playing on Horde is too...easy

The Horde is the baby bottle faction though that whines about everything as you just did.

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If you think the Hordies whined. Just imagine the hissyfit the Alliance would’ve made had the Horde gotten 30% bonus rewards plus a 400ivl item while the Alliance got 10% and nothing else.

The tears would’ve been ten fold what the Horde complained about. Alliance are crybabies and I main Alliance…


I guess we have different definitions of “battle hardened”. Mine doesn’t usually involve half your team afking at the first sign of adversity.


Gee, when I queue as Alliance my teammates are really undergeared, and make unrecoverable strategic mistakes early in the game.

My experience on alliance is play hard for the first 2 minutes, give up the rest of the game, congratulate each other for a good game, despite the insane loss.

Horde scream and muster each other right up until the last second, they don’t give up, and they play objectives.

Alliance just suck at everything.

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As a merc moder. I play both sides. Both will afk or leave, but complaints are different.

When the Horde lose they blame each other and themselves. When the Alliance lose they blame Horde bias. Or how the map is Horde favored. But this never comes up when they’re winning.

It’s pathetic, really.


When it comes to the BG difference, most probably just comes down to ally know they can just requeue for an almost instant pop. Where as if you’re horde and stuck to horde, you sat there and waited out the wait.

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Does that include the Alliance who switch to Horde for the raiding carries? Or threads like this one?

So, Horde is the whiny baby faction- unless an Alliance is playing it and then it’s “easy mode” and “proves faction bias”?

Get outta here.

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That’s way different from my experience doing bgs as Alliance. I just won my 1st WIntergrasp on the Alliance side tonight out of 5-6 tries, and it was a celebration of “omg there’s 5 mins left…plz don’t be dumb and blow it plz don’t be dumb and blow it plz plz plz!”

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I melted the hearts of 100,000 Alliance AND Horde with a single flex. Get on my level.


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The alliance that stick with PvP even when they are getting stomped truly are battle hardened veterans, I agree. That said the underdog right now most certainly is not alliance, it’s just that the only hordies who still PvP are good enough to handle being the underdogs while the alliance PvPers are used to fighting 25 v 3 situations in WPvP and expect that in bgs.

I use merc mode, both can be lengthy



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Facts. :ok_hand: