Playing a resto druid is an embarrassment in TWW

After so many years playing as a resto druid, I’m thinking of changing class. I’m simply ashamed that I can’t even heal my allies’ life bars without having to spend 50 per cent of my mana. Ashamed to see all the DPS who can heal, helping me heal because apparently I can’t do it myself. Our skills don’t heal, they simply stack mastery. Shame about the current state of the spec. Blizzard needs to change this urgently, URGENTLY!

I’m not the best druid in the world, but I’m far from the worst. I know what to do with my class. And seeing all those useless talents and feeling like you have no way out is terrible. I feel like I’m going to war with a toy gun.

I don’t want to be stronger than anyone, but I want to be on an equal footing with the other healers.

Please fix our class. I’ll tell you in advance that the changes in 11.0.5 ARE NOT ENOUGH. More changes are needed.

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Think resto Druid talents and hero talents are lackluster so now they’re having to buff them up in other areas. Just give it a few patches with done gear and they’ll be ok

The 8% buff feels surprisingly good, and the new talents coming will make it better.

The 8% helped for sure but honestly I don’t think it’s enough, speaking in M+, I honestly think Wild Growth needs a buff, it’s insanely hard and difficult currently especially AoE mechanics and how fast they come.

Constantly we need to maintain Lifebloom and Efflorescence (more so due to movement), then trying to HoT everyone, make sure we spamming Regrowth on who needs it, all the while trying to weave in dps for mana, dodge and do mechanics.

I’ve only PuG’d up to +6, but jeeze I swear our HoTs don’t heal, and we don’t have the CDs like every other class to compete.

I jump on my Paladin it feels like day and night, AoE coming out? Virtue + Dev Aura 8% DR then I Divine Toll, couple WoG and Holy Shocks everyone is topped up and I still can keep going.

Virtue 15 sec and Divine Toll is a 45 sec cd…

We have Wild Growth on 10 sec even when used with Swiftmend is horrible, Convoke is 1 min, now it’s a great cd when RNG favours you, but it’s so unreliable with how it is.

Convoke with no form should simply just Heal!.

Seriously it’s rough out there as Resto, we are trying to compete with modernised Healers with better performance and spec trees.

Even the revamp isn’t that good, wow 2 charges of Nature’s Swiftness :expressionless:.

Yea the 8% didnt do much. I notice a small difference but im still at the bottom. Ill start climbing at one point but then i have to stop healing and wrath for mana… and drop back down to the bottom