Playing a resto druid is an embarrassment in TWW

I’m talking PvE, and I believe you only start to show PvP data because you’re dishonest, and you know PvE data proves you wrong…

I made it very clear my point was about PvE at the moment I mentioned MDI players in my comment, so why you’re replying with PvP data? In case you’re not trolling and you’re just not very bright, MDI stands for Mythic Dungeon International…

Again, either dishonest or really not very bright.

Take one look at the world first race atm. not. one. resto. druid. They are worthless. lol. Literally cannot compete. 4% buff is literally an insult. the spec needs a full rework and they need to do it mid season. same with boomkin… same with feral…

and tranquility is literally the most worthless major healing cd spell out there. at 612 ilvl, i dont see health bars even budge when i use it. Its basically only good for some mastery stack.

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So I agree overall with your point here, though do want to caution that RWF is not necessarily the best measuring stick of spec power, even amongst other HOF guilds. It’s common for the best specs for guilds outside the top 10 even 4 weeks into the season to be different from the best specs for top 10 guilds 2 weeks into the season.

Now in this case, I do not think resto druid is some sleeper that just needs 4 weeks of gear to show its true potential, it really does need help. I just don’t think we should be drawing all conclusions about what’s best for even the top end of players much less average players from the top 0.01%. We’ve seen many instances where top teams are running strategies and playing at a level to get the most out of specs that groups even one step down simply cannot pull off.

Why does feral need a rework? There seems to be about a 50/50 split in terms of sentiment about how it currently feels to play. It’s not like resto and balance where there seems to be a much larger percentage of players unhappy with their feel.

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Resto sham feels better than resto Druid in so many ways.

Part of it is the talent trees, another is the hero talents. Doesn’t seem like resto Druid got a lot of testing going into this expansion. I do like pressing convoke though once a minute

There was a lot of testing through the community, literally the Beta forum in EU/NA had some great amazing feedback, solutions, suggestions.

I understand not all of the feedback was good feedback but seriously I’d say 95% of it was definitely great.

Players literally made Class Tree reworks with improved pathing, consolidation of certain talents, introduced better and meaningful Talents. They even did so on spec and hero trees too.

Although literally zero, and I mean zero changes happened from the feedback moving into TWW and what a surprise to see how we are in this position.

We had a lot of testing, maybe not directly from Blizzard, but definitely the passionate players that gave up free time to make sure the class launched in a better state the currently.

I said this multiple times, S1 is going to be a wash, better luck in S2 where maybe they’ll address and make the adjustments we need to actually be a competitive viable choice.


So a lack of listening then. I don’t like that they keep doing bandaid +% more healing. I think they haven’t a clue what they’re doing


I think they haven’t a clue what they’re doing


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