Players who unironically roll gnome.. why?

Unknown, but it they didn’t, where would we get fresh supplies for our “Gnome Kababs”?


“Pookie” haunts my dreams to this very day.


Some people like folk that tend to be hyper-intellectual technobabblers. Some people like being physically small. Not everyone in this game has to be the epitome of death metal spikes-and-blood everywhere.

Also if you think Pandaren are ‘ironic’ characters, you haven’t been paying attention.


Well I’m not a Gnome main but while sorting through my Alliance alt list I was desperate to find something for Warlock. Right now my Alliance Warlock is a Gnome, a pissed off gnome.

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I have no idea how to ironically “roll” anything.

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Personally, I’d never play a masculine race therefor no one else should either

Let me now critique the various types of masculinity that I’ve established I don’t enjoy and doll out the ones I think you should or shouldn’t like.

You should find it enlightening how I, somehow who doesnt like thing, will educate you on how I think thing should be, meanwhile trying to slightly belittle you all the while.

Seriously boomer post and I’m not exactly young.


You are missing out then. Gentle Giant Tauren is fun to play from time to time. If it fits the theme, lore, or playstyle you are going for on a toon it is worth using any race that matches.

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I have been wanting to go Tauren Warrior for awhile. Usually never do because I love my Orc here.

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Well, I will never play a Forsaken, and the reason is that for me they are just weird and oogly. But - for anyone who loves them, I don’t ask “why would you want to play them when there are plenty of other races you can play”. Because it’s not for me to explain my choices and I don’t expect that from them either.


The female undead were given one of the best run animations in the game when models got revamped. Knees as high as they can go. It is almost as derpy as worgen females wobbly side foot thing they do. Brings a smile every time i see it.


It’s okay to be little.


Great, now I can never unsee that. Thanks. There goes Female Undead Priest, right in the trash.

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don’t have a gnome main obv but I have a mechagnome alt that i never play because alliance. tbh i can dig why some people out there might main those. underrated, says i.

actual gnomes though? hard pass. at least the male gnomes. the dance is creepy and they move weird. its unnatural. i feel like their skin would always be clammy and they’d smell like boiled cabbage…

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I’ll admit, Snuggles began as a joke. Wrath was launching and everyone I’d seen in beta had DKs with with what I thought were cheesy over-the-top dark evil names, so not impressed with the class I set out to make the most atypical Death Knight I could, and a 3ft tall little pixie with pink pigtails seemed the way.

My plan failed when I found out how much fun she was! In Cata she even became my primary PvP character, because getting killed in PvP is annoying, but getting killed by a pixie in pink pigtails spamming /giggle is excruciating.

She’s now my main Alliance tank.


See I would never play an orc… you guys are the epitome of the steriotype of a unibrow cro-magnon


That was kind of how this warrior came to be. When I saw Gnomes would have their own starting experience separate from the dwarven one in Cata, I made a Gnome warrior to try it out, as prior to that I just never enjoyed the warrior playstyle, so I was like I will make a gnome warrior and it’ll be a throwaway character I wouldn’t want to keep, as I don’t particularly like playing Gnomes either.

But same for me the plan failed, because I loved how fury warrior played in Cata, and proceeded to get them to 60 before I was like ‘oh hell, now I’m stuck with a gnome’ because I didn’t want to relevel all that again (since leveling back then took time).

Race changed them later down the road (in Warlords), but similar principle.


I laughed. Out loud, with no one around.


not my main but I do have a gnome monk.

Mostly because of an old Everquest comic and “The order of the waist-down fist”


don’t underestimate gnomes man, i walked through stormwind once, and a gang of gnomes tried to mug me…

of course i just walked over em.
and another time some were protesting outside the blue recluse, and blocking people from drinking.

i picked one of em up and moved em, then proceeded to walk in


Gnomes are by far my favorite Alliance race.