Playerbase with new patch

So Im leveling a resto druid, min 40s currently. Every group has been a hard fail since this new patch. Was there some healing nerf or something? or are these the FOTM players from retail coming in for DS?

There’s a bunch of retail people hopping over thinking they can pull like retail then rage vote kick players who explain they can’t.

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Can we stop the meme that retail dungeons are somehow easier than classic ones lol.

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retail normal dungeons truly are.


Hes talking about the vanilla dungeons, which are both press w till the end doing big dps and the healer never breaks a sweat.

op may be getting non loomed players maybe? or cheapo’s not getting gear at say 10 level breaks. If players are riding out gear +10 levels old…its gets more iffy.

With the crew loomed up 1 to 60, tbcc and wrath can be…pull and pop. Cata hits the usual crap. Like players hearing old boy go “break yourselves upon my body!”. and going aww yeah, lets do just that!.

I’ve had U’k’s in wrath portion even 2 dudes off on collect the axes quest wasn’t stopping the freight train run through it.

also op tbcc beyonf gets better. 58 and beyond you gets the bdk’s as tanks for nice runs.

You’re in the Cata forum I think he’s talking about Cata because in the Classic Era that I also play you cannot “Vote” anyone out.

Blizz just dropped the MoP deluxe editions, so yeah probably Retail players.

Wait until you group with the 85 boosted ones.

Yeah… not doing that… ever.

ill world level / guild Q before that nonsense in MOP.

Just yesterday in retail forums, someone was complaining about deep core tanks pulling way too much.

That fun mid part to mr break yourselved boss. A part that goes can go from controlled pulls to utter crap shows real fast.

Cata tw is one of the more “fun” timewalk series there.


I blame wrath of the litch king where we literally run at full speed pulling literally everything to the boss to AOE itvall down at the same time.

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Hes talking about vanilla dungeons in cata, not vanilla dungeons on fresh/era

I know, I figured that out right away just by reading the OP.

I think it kind of depends on what you mean by harder and what you’re specifically comparing.

There are retail dungeons with current gearing and mechanics that literally cannot be failed. You can auto attack solo your way through them. The level of power for players in retail at different levels is so massive that there is no challenge. There is no risk of failure.

By comparison, while mechanically vanilla is braindead simplistic, it is precisely the simplicity that can also add to that difficulty. You don’t always have a defensive button, you don’t have infinite resources, massive self healing, perfect protections through personal sustain. Failure is a very real option. Which mechanically doing more than auto attacking isn’t there, the risk of death and failure IS. Pulling too many things, not having the resources to keep the fight from failing, these are all real points of failure.

I might not need to try and dodge 23 different abilities while maintaining a 9 button rotation while breakdancing. But I can still fail within the given mechanics of the game.

Simplicity =/= easy.

There isn’t a single dungeon in any version of classic that is as difficult as a mythic 0. Its not even close.

Classic Mara full clear at 45 in a leveling group is harder than an M0 with people in heroic epics if the argument is ability to clear.

Again, simplicity =/= easy.

You’re just plain wrong, long is not equal to difficult. Mara is just long, even the oozes with 4 warriors and a healer isn’t hard at all. You clearly just don’t know retail at all if you think this

It’s a disagreement. You’re fine to disagree. But I am not wrong. And my choice of Mara was not because of the length, it was because of the wide range in level and the large amount of variance in clearing.

I mean at this point you just like saying lies and making hyperbolic idiotic statements.

Ok. Continue to be a toxic and unenjoyable person to be around. Hope those green and grey Firelands parses aren’t the extent of your “retail” performance too.

So the only way you can say mara is more difficult is if the mobs are red? Maybe just accept that you’re wrong.

I did this when i got my thrashblade on fresh, its not hard.

Clearly you don’t know firelands, or you would know that if you don’t go up on alyz, and you are a soaker on beth you can’t parse well on those two fights… I’m also the 6th healer so i got staff last and didn’t have it till last lockout. Funny how you ignored my parses on the fights I actually got to dps on though lmao. Or are you talking about my grey parses on rag where I was a fire fighter and wasn’t allowed to dps for the last phase?

So what’s the excuse for Baleroc, Rhyolith, and Rag? Also I exclusively soak on Beth and parsed a 76. Elemental being dog easy to play too.

I was parsing before getting staff. Don’t lean on staff as an excuse.

Seems it’s always an excuse. I was more talking about the totality of your parses. I don’t think you really have a leg to stand on with your claims about difficulty here.