Playerbase with new patch

Firelands sucked to parse in tbh.

Unless you get to do certain things you can’t parse.

Also alliance are at a disadvantage

Baleroc I dps’d once late in the phase without staff. i don’t think i need to explain that to you do I? lmao. Rhyolith is blue because I focus the legs instead of cheese my add damage because mechanics>parse. And rag I already explained, work on your reading.

Yeah so was I, then I didn’t have staff to compete after that. Do you not know how powerful staff is?

I’m a 62 overall in one of the top runs on my server, I could care less about what you think mr anonymous MLG legendary dps

As a shadow priest I am well aware of issues with parsing such as Baleroc. There’s a reason why most fights have no all star points. I just find it funny the logs of the people that have such views on difficulties in raids and versions.

Fun fact, warcraft logs will show your highest parse even if it was before the staff.

I think we are kind of getting to the point where parses don’t mean much and what matters is actually killing the bosses.

Horde right now have a pretty big lead as far as parsing.

Funny going thru it all again and seeing why alliance died as a faction in retail.

I’m curious why that is. Racials shouldn’t be a factor at this point in major performance. Seems like it’s more a player concentration thing.

I know, and the fights that don’t involve cheese/I actually dps’d early in the phase i did fine on. I guess you just aren’t trusted to do mechanics, which would make a lot of sense since you think Mara is a hard instance

I mean 1k DPS is kinda big, no?

Parses stopped meaning much when heroic mode became a thing, you’re only competing against other good players on a heroic rag parse, its why its so ez to parse 95+ on fresh rn since you have so many bads to compete against

Are we talking simmed or realistic dps increase? I find it hard to believe that there’s a consistent 1k dps difference in racials.

There are Alliance characters in top 10 for several of the firelands fights. It just seems like there are a lot less Alliance overall.

We were at that point before parses were ever invented.

They have never had meaning beyond being a fun color game. Killing the bosses is always the only thing that matters.

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It is down this phase tho, like even mage is only 500 apart.

Now my ele is 600 dps behind an Orc shaman with same gear.

Was more in Firelands tho.

You also have 10m vs 25m players.

Yea simmed dps is a lot different than realized, I’d imagine the value to be lower in reality with how human error and fight mechanics work.

10m vs 25m is interesting. There’s slightly more parses in 10m than 25m, and with 10m raids being a little harder than 25m with the smaller group size and less margin for error it brings up an interesting question of which is easier to parse in.

10m has a wider range of good versus bad because the lack of buffer and the tighter window on mechanics, but 25m has less total parses for some classes by a smaller amount.

Interestingly I think Shadow Priest is around 5k parses in both.

I mean 25 man has been harder all of cata, I guess you could argue heroic Nef was harder but raid tiers as a whole 25m has been harder overall.