Player voted changes

how would you feel if players could vote in changes to vanilla

of course, not everyone would be able to vote, i would say people level 55+

and they would need to be active players

and the vote would need at least 85% yes for the change to be added in

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I’m on board for certain changes, but if your benchmarks for enacting them are uselessly high don’t even bother.

You usually can’t even get 40% of a population to even fill put a survey, let alone agree on it.


but at the same time, with them being so high, the amount of things added in would be on the super low end

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The idea is to have it be pretty close to what the game was back in the day, no?

Wouldn’t changes defeat the purpose of that?

I am not opposed to a few light changes, but beyond that I’d likely be opposed to it since it would be altering the experience.


Heh, honestly I wouldn’t mind this in let’s say… 3 years or so.
It would be like OSRS, even thought it’s an old version of their game they give the players capacity to vote for things they want, sort as a reboot, and honestly, a reboot of WoW is all I want right now.


Have you actually read the opinions of players here and other forums? And you want these people to be able to vote in changes???


if they can get to 55+

Well cool. I can train monkeys to level to 55 so I can just multibox monkeys and get the majority of votes. :smile:


But could 1000 monkeys on 1000 keyboards eventually clear Naxx in 1000 years? Things to ponder.


I honestly don’t care but to be honest I don’t think a “change by player vote” is really gonna be a thing. Even if it did, how many would vote yes and how many would even bother voting at all? And if somehow a change does happen, its only going to be a change on the backend and nothing else. If I wanted a change, I’d want a change in just numbers in some cases for either smoother or harder content and that’s it.

i dont know.

would blizzard take down the #nochanges sign that they have hanging in their own office, as to change their own philosophy, to appease people who voted for those changes?

or should blizzard retract their own statement as follows:
We already have what we would do. That’s in BFA. But we don’t have what we did back then.?

or should said voters comprehend the above and accept the fact that BFA is waiting for them?

things to ponder.


Here is a relevant thread from nearly a month ago:

High percentage requirement is good and all but I’m not entirely in favour given that this should be a faithful reconstruction. I’m not against them making additional variant of the game past the point of making the original permanently available in a stable state.


Yeah no. If you want changes you have a game with them. Let classic be classic.


No. I want Vanilla, not Vanilla+. Give me authenticity, or give me death!


Quoted because I can only like once.
What’s with everyone trying to turn this into osrs? What change do they honestly think we’re going to vote for?


anything and everything that BFA already has. which defeats the entire purpose.

asinine, i know.

its like me saying i want to play the sims base game and trying to convince people that i enjoy that unaltered version better, while advocating for any and all of its expansion features. complete contradiction.

vanilla and expansion features, do NOT go hand in hand. you either do or dont.


Hot take: Democracy didn’t work in OSRS, it doesn’t work in real life, and it won’t work in Classic either.


LOL, thank you. I literally laugh out loud every time I hear some idiotic news service like CNN spout that “America is a Democracy!” Uhm, lol, no it’s not. It’s a Constitutional Republic with some Democratic processes. True Democracy, like Communism, does not work.


Wow, what a horrible idea.


Bro it’s just another stupid post by someone who thought they were original