Player voted changes

Not a bad idea

Remember that retail players will have voting rights as well, because they will be Classic subscribers simply by virtue of having a current WoW sub. They also far outnumber us, for now.

You’d be letting a very large group of people vote for changes to Classic who presumably enjoy the current iteration of WoW. I can’t think of a worse idea.

Edit: I guess the level 55 requirement would ensure that they at least played Classic a bit, but I still think it’s a bad idea.


I don’t think that this has its place in Classic WoW but I can understand you wanting to give the suggestion.

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Correction, it’d have to be 51% to change. That’s how a democracy works, we are a democracy.

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We should vote for that. Please choose 1 or 2 below:

  1. Authenticity
  2. Death

I’d throw “cake” in there as a nod to Izzard, but it would totally skew the results




The choice is more obvious if you word it like this.


Id quit and go back to pservers. That’s how we got retail. Blizzard listening to qol whiners.


It would be bad, there are so many people out there that wan’t to destroy it.


All the changes that wrecked retail were things people asked for, you know.


The majority of people do not understand game design and how one thing can affect many others. It would result in a mess, just like democracy.

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It’s a horribad idea.


The problem back in the day is that we didn’t know the cake was poisoned till the next xpac or so. Flying mounts were great! They were so new people still socialized in the world. Lfg/lfr was nice! You can q and be ported to the dungeon. People still talked in dungeons for a long time until slowly the poison took hold and people no longer communicate because they are never going to see that person again. Cross realm everything ruined the community.

The problem is that they both look like amazing cakes. The poison is slow acting and kills you over time. We can see how blizzard kept force feeding us cake. They kept listening to the whiners who just HAD to have their flying mounts each xpac. We see what the people asking for changes in the past has done to the game today. That’s why so many of us are on this forum fighting the good fight to keep classic as close to vanilla as possible. We won’t win every battle and that’s fine as long as we win the war.



We don’t need a change voting system because there won’t be changes. Changes are simply inappropriate for Classic WoW.


Let’s get one thing straight: BfA is not Classic WoW + some changes.

BfA is not even an RPG.

It’s the equivalent of ordering a burger with mustard on it and the waiter saying “sorry, but we don’t put mustard on burgers. Can I reccommend you the wiener instead?”


No thanks.

No changes and no frankenpatches.

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Bad idea. Players aren’t as good at game design as they like to believe.

Female worgens for the prime example.

What’s wrong with female worgen?

To start, it’s not at all matching the male version.

The player base kept insisting the original female worgen face was too “weak”, etc. So Blizzard changed it until we got the rabid chihuahua known and loathed today.

Ohh. I haven’t played regularly since legion. I quit somewhere midway through. I wish blizzard would stop pandering to people.