Player told team report me for something I didn't do

I have some questions and concerns over this because I take this kind of thing very seriously. So I was in an Arathi Basin battleground and someone on my team assumed I was AFK in the alliance graveyard. How they came to that conclusion with my character literally moving on the map and casting spells ON THE ALLIANCE up there is beyond me. Anyway, they told the entire team to report me for afk. I know that accounts can get suspended over AFKing in BGs so false accusations over it are not something I am going to take lightly.

I wanted to ask if this is something I can or should report the player for? This player lied about me and tried to get other players to mass report me over something I did not do. To me that is something that should be reportable but I don’t know for sure if it is. There was no option in the match to report the player other than “report player afk” and at the end of the match on the scoreboard the only 3 options for reporting a player were “language, name and cheating.” None of these seemed like appropriate categories so I wanted to ask here if there is a way to report this or if I should even report it at all? Players that assume another player is doing something reportable in the game and then telling other players to mass report them for it is wrong.

One report will do nothing, Even if you where AFK for a little bit. Unless it becomes a pattern and they see you doing so all the time will it be something to worry about.

Plus no matter how many report you, The Gm’s look at the logs to see what was going on and what was not going on.


For your own sanity, just put said player on ignore. It will be like them yelling at a wall only you will be oblivious to it.

You are going to see behavior like this in BGs because people don’t like to lose and have their own idea of what you should be doing in their battleground… yep, their battleground.

Players abuse the reporting system just as much as players abuse the honor system. If you are going to partake in BGs, I suggest you get a thicker skin and learn to ignore those who detract from your game.

The only time you ever have to worry about someone reporting you is when you know you have done something wrong. Until then, let them rant and rave to themselves while you play blissfully away while they are on ignore.

The healthiest thing to do in Battlegrounds is to look for group strategy in chat and ignore everything else being said.

Says to me that they aren’t actually playing if they have time to type that out.

If that were regular chat I would suggest reporting it as spam. In a Battleground, I might have said “I think you’re cute too.” I’m not quite sure how they thought you were AFKing in the GY of the other team, or even if that’s possible.


Abusing the report system is against the rules, yes. However, in your case, only Blizzard staff would able to check that player’s history to see if they routinely try to mass report with mob rule, or if they just made a bad judgment call that one time, which wouldn’t be something a player would get punished for.

I think the others covered this fairly well, but I’ll add a little blue to the reply.

Yes, accounts may receive a temporary suspension if they are found to be /afking in Battlegrounds but it is important to understand that the findings for that are based on data, not reports. Just because you are reported as /afk doesn’t mean anything will happen, very much like being reported for cheating, if the data doesn’t back up the accusation you’d never know that the matter was looked into.

It is also important to understand that a penalty for /afking in a Battleground isn’t for a single occasion. It is based on repeated occurrences.

Generally not, no. We tend not to penalize someone for reporting another player. The other player may have believed you were /afk and calling attention to it. Those submitting a report are allowed to be wrong, we don’t wish to discourage people from reporting potentially damaging behavior for fear of reprisal if they aren’t 100% accurate.