Player {Removed} has requested to be banned after being told that advertising in game for keys will result in ban.
His words exactly in whisper “Ban now”
in reference to trying to extort players for real world money.
not sure he’s the brightest tho because i believe it was for a 11 or 12 key so good ridance to this player! Personal report was submitted!
Please remove the player’s name from your post. We are not permitted to do callouts of other players.
yes we can especialy when they are breaking tos
Them breaking the rules in the game doesn’t give you permission to break the rules outside the game.
If you don’t remove it, it’ll be removed for you.
Call outs are absolutely against the forum rules.
Additionally, nothing comes from posting names here. This isn’t a way to report anyone in-game.
Extortion: the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
How is he threatening you to join his Mythic + group?
Can’t you just… not apply to his group?
No, you cannot. If you feel someone is violating the Code of Conduct, you can use the in-game reporting options. We do not allow call outs on the forums. This is not the proper place to report such matters and we will not allow people to be tried in the court of public opinion.