Player is Banned (72 Hours) for World PVP

No, I don’t know the guy at all.

I just happened upon the article and it prompted me to make this thread.

I wouldn’t bother…they have a shiny object to push their agenda.


Or, someone made a mistake.

Not taking sides here, because I don’t pvp, but their banning systems interest me. Long story short, if you read the various sub-reddits, the guy in question was alleged to have run a private server at one time. Undisputed? No. Catch-up on Blizzard’s part once someone looked into the history? Maybe.

They make it plain they reserve that right, and as a private entity, not much you can do about it.

A video doesn’t prove that is what he was suspended for and that is another reason that hive mind mount isn’t fair - you can’t see how many people are coming at you. That mount is a seriously bad idea in the game and promotes all sorts of unfairness.

This is a good post!

That is good information, and you’re 100% right - you can be banned at any time for any reason. You do not own your character.

Those underlying reasons can very well be why he was banned.

However, in the off-chance that he was banned for WPVPing - which if you look into it, is starting to happen - then that needs to be pointed out.

A massive part of this MMO is the PVP. If it’s not okay to play the game in the manner in which it’s designed, it ought to be in some articles around the internet, so the bad press prompts some action.

If it had been a mistake, then the appeal would have been successful. End of discussion.

Contrary to popular paranoid delusion, there is only ONE “punishment” that is automated… the squelch*. Everything else, bans, silences, etc. are done by a real, live, human GM.

* Squelching is a temporary silence placed on a person when an inordinately large amount of people report a single person for something. Prior to its implementation, General/Trade chat channels used to get flooded by bots advertising gold selling, leveling services, etc. And those channels would continue to be flooded until a GM came along and removed the bot. So it is a protection measure.


Or Blizzard didn’t bother reading it and sent their generic copy/paste response.


Considering I have had two suspensions reversed myself on appeal I would say they read it. His offense might also be something that they don’t accept appeals for either. You just have to take the punishment you’ve earned.


So the premise of your argument here is that humans never make mistakes? O_o

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It’s on the front page of r/wow . I don’t think it’s going to get more fame from the wow GD forums omegalul

Which is a possibility. It’s pretty common to get a ticket response that has nothing to do with the actual issue in the ticket.


Usually, people are eager to hit up a post about WOW bans. It usually get 200+ comments and if you get 200+ people to click on your video…

How much money is that?

No, but if the first GM that issued the original ban made a mistake, then the one who handled the appeal would have reversed it.

Sorry, but some of us don’t reek of entitlement. Some of us also practice the arcane arts of Logic, Reasoning, and Critical Thinking. You should try it sometime. It will change your life.

Not much. Ad payouts are garbage now and only idiots run without ad-blockers.


0 if you don’t have twitch sponsorship

Look I’ve gotten one ban ever from Blizzard and it was from telling a Chinese gold farmer back in vanilla I was going to eat their babies because they were going out of their way to farm where I was trying to farm.

I’ve camped Zuldazar and been on many Anduin’s Knights red is dead 40 man death squads through this expansion and nada. Something besides wpvp had to happen.


I’ve played this game a long time. Over the course of the years I have only received 1-72 hour ban, and it was for something I full well expected to be banned for. I have spent many many hours camping people and having fun in WPvp, and never even received a 1 hour ban. I view this as most likely something else occurred that is not being shown.


I’m guessing he doesn’t since you said 0?


lol, here comes the name calling. Can’t argue on the merits, can you?