Player Housing - Your Wants? Needs? Ideas? Share them here!

I made a thread as well but to consolidate since my thread is tiny, I’ll link here.

Since the Dev team said they want people saying what they do and don’t want in housing I figured I’d put in my two copper.

Things I don’t wanna see? Player power, garrison stuff. I just don’t wanna feel like housing offers anything overly valuable. No crafting resources or power bonuses. The exception perhaps being maybe an XP bonus to leveling or something and a way to fast travel to our homes via hearthstone. And absolutely no limited lots! The worst thing about FFXIV is fighting to win an open plot because you have to compete with others! That is the worst!!!

Things I’d like to see? For starters I’d love for housing to be seamless like garrisons were in terms of no loading screen and being able to see your garrison out in the world. Having it auto load your house instead of having an instance portal or such would be a great carryover. This is assuming there will be plots out in the open and not a FFXIV neighborhood system.

On that matter, I personally like plots out in the world at key locations however I think a combination of neighborhoods and stand alone locations could be neat. I wish we had more information to go off of on this matter.

I think being able to place your warband characters in your house would be neat! ESO did something like this with mounts and certain NPC’s but if I could set it so my Warband toons I’m not logged into can just hang out in my house that would be neat (though also a huge technical hurdle I bet… Maybe something for the future?

I also would love a roommate feature! A way to set another player as a roommate and set what they can and can not do. That way if you have a family member or close friend you can share your house with them or even make guild housing!

I think housing should be warband wide and we should be able to own multiple houses and decorate as many as we desire. This could also be done for guild housing but being able to buy larger plots and set permissions based on guild ranks and such.

I think furniture and house decorations should be added to professions across all the expansions in addition to vendor purchases or dropped decorations and not just added to the latest expansions profession levels. Give us a reason to want to grind out previous expansions or use previous expansion materials for certain housing items. Expansion specific paintings through inscription for example.

Unique Profession Tables like the anvil in BRD, or the leatherworking table in Brackenhide. If unique Profession benches that are required to visit for specific recipes could be unlocked and crafted for housing that could be a cool questline/gold sink for housing objects. Especially in shared houses with friends or guild mates.

Adjustable weather for non-neighborhood plots could be cool! Maybe I want it to rain because I like the in game rain! Perhaps it should rain fire because Ragnaros isn’t too happy about me kicking his butt not once, not twice, but three times! Being able to pick the weather based on zone would be cool!

In that same vein, I think being able to pick music for our housing area would be cool and even having jukebox items that could change the music for everyone in my house.

Being able to save layouts would also be nice. That way we can have seasonal themes. Maybe I wanna decorate my house depending on the season or holidays or just have specific layouts based on what I have planned. A normal cozy layout for myself or if I am planning on having friends at my place, perhaps a group meeting or such, I can have a setup better suited for guests.

I think a lot of toys could make for good games in the housing as well. Like the untangle the wires game, the follow the pattern game, etc. could be nice to have fun interactive objects in addition to just visual props.

Limited FOMO. Decoration items? Sure, maybe a decoration for KSM or what not. But good lord please don’t make plots limited time rewards or anything huge limited time. Please keep FOMO type stuff to decorative pieces/trophies.

Dedicated Account Wide Storage for Decorations! Please give us dedicate storage space to store decorations in some capacity. My banks and warband bank can’t take any more abuse, haha.

Without knowing more details on how WoW’s housing will work it’s hard to give much more feedback so hopefully we learn more sooner than later :slight_smile:

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