Player Housing: WoW vs FF14

Post on your main and I’m sorry your server is bad.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. Sure it does!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

In FF14 the housing provides NOTHING more than an environment to adorn, there are no banks, there are no actionhouses, there is nothing that, for example, the Garrison had.

What is the reason for Housing then?

Self-expression and PR mostly.

In the self-expression part in FF14 for example you can see things like decoration competitions.

In RP it is more extensive, people in FF14 do everything, bakeries, shops, bars, private spaces for ERP, modeling salons for Glamor competitions, puzzle houses, night cubes with events on platforms like Twitch with DJs* and surely more things that I have not had the opportunity to participate.

*In nightclub events you go to the house in question (usually the bigger ones) and connect to twitch to some specific channel where a DJ plays music for the event, the place is completely decorated as if they were a nightclub of course, the players who organize take on the role of staff and in some even put on choreographies. These types of activities skyrocketed during the pandemic and have subsequently survived the end of the isolation periods.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. I didn’t know player housing locked people away from the rest of the game! I don’t want that either, those people need to be able to get out!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

final fantasy 14 did not start with housing, Housing didn’t come out until the end of realm of reborn near when ninja was released which is during the 2nd tier of the alliance raid that came out. It didn’t start with it at all lol, and at first it was for free companys only until people complained about it.

and if memory serves right, you couldnt get one as a player non fc bound until alexander was released in heavensward.

The begin of realm of reborn all players had was an inn room (instance teleport) that was it lol (ya i was there i preorder realm of reborn was there from day 1 lol)


Lol there it is: The inability to formulate a reasonable argument and the coping mechanisms that display your capacity (or lack thereof) to think a bit more critically about something.

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FC housing was released a full four (4) months after ARR which is the reboot of FF14 as we know it now. To think that housing wasn’t a planned thing from the start and the coding made to accomodate it, is just being willingly obtuse.

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ya like i said near the end of arr when ninja came out that was about 4 months in then we had 3 or so months on Ninja and getting WOD raid, and i believe the final wings then HW was announced and we all knew dark knight was getting added from yoshi batman shirt lol

I’d like to point out that FFXIV player housing is actually REALLY limited. Getting individual houses can be hard, and an FC and Apartments actually have limited amount of rooms they can have before reaching capacity. (Though I do think FC cap is also the player cap).

So it’s not the flawless system people might think it is. In fact it’s a huge point of contention. WoW seems to want to add it, if more recent interviews are anything to go by, but I hope they take their time with it.

Personally, I couldn’t care less. I don’t particularly want a WoW house, but for those who do, I’d be patientish.

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well consindering they are adding personal islands sometime this expansion it doesn’t really matter because u can have apartment+island lol

but to be honest ff14 is story driven ( A REAL RPG) that don’t require you to read books to know the lore.

Housing systems in general and most things in ff14 wouldn’t work on wow, because the WOW team (atleast story telling wise) are a bunch of morons who cant tell a decent story and screws up awesome characters just because. RP aspects like housing will never work on wow because that reason alone, they rather spend all that resource on pleasing esports players and raid systems

which is y in all honesty wow was a mistake for blizzard to do, they lack the ability or skill to tell a decent story and should just stick with horror grinding games and esport themed types alongside with RTS, they should have never tried a RPG as they lack the skills to do one correctly tbh


But how about this question?.. Why are you still here paying WoW’s sub if you think you are right on your take?

Blizz believes we dont need it and many players support this.

What metric are you pulling from to make this statement?

Because just about every thread I ever see about the topic is disproportionately for player housing. I also don’t think Blizzard has made an outright statement that indicates they won’t make player housing. They’ve only ever tiptoed around making an official statement.

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Housing doesn’t interfere with the development
of speech bubbles.
So every new expansion, you have an extra 3 hours
of speech bubbles to click through.

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It’s Blizz reason why there’s no Garrison after Draenor.

They also say you can quit anytime… yet your personal home and everything inside will be lost (45 days to lose the house, 45 days after that to lose the stuff inside the house, forever) so it really becomes a ball and chain.

So yeah, those months and months and MONTHS of downtime you are expected to keep a sub just to save your home, and you can’t pay it with gil!

The answer is simple. FFXIV has a dedicated group of developers who care passionately about the game and their customers. Their producer apologized to their customers because they were expanding the time between patches by 2 weeks so that his teams could take vacations. The leader of the WoW team never even bothered to tell their customers that the last patch was going to last almost a year.


I’m having difficulties finding this quote, so I suppose I’ll just have to take your word for it.

However, I still disagree with the notion that many players don’t want player housing. This feature has been one of the most discussed parts of WoW since its release in 2004.

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I was here since 2004 and I dont remember that this is the most discussed parts of WoW.

oh more handwaving. stop it. if you want player housing, go to FF. from inspecting to conversations to encounters with friends to trade to asking people where they got that particular mog or mount, people interact with each other in an MMO.

If there’s energy to spare, I’d rather it be done on making the hub cities more interesting, engaging and challenging. Public games, puzzles, competitions, puzzle boxes, the cooking dailies, racing pets, hunter pet vs pet battle arenas, a public duelling zone with leaderboards. These are all things that would be great and would not be a detriment to the community.

I asked you to post on your main so I could see what your main’s server cluster / server was like and what public rivalries and friendships existed on it. Contrary to your strawman (there is no interaction in public) I bet there is.

Anything that has people spend more time isolated away from each other is bad for community.

Bad leadership was the bigger part of the game being in the state that it’s in the past 4 ish years.

to answer the question.

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