Look at me… and look at me explian Garrison is not player house… want to know why twilight becomgin WoD all over…
Case Time is a flat circle
Look at me… and look at me explian Garrison is not player house… want to know why twilight becomgin WoD all over…
Case Time is a flat circle
Option to invite Jaina to the bedroom
Wild! Star!
It’s been explained to you multiple times, but Garrisons had very little customization options and were tied to player power, they were not optional. Real player housing is entirely cosmetic and only serves as a gold sink or for roleplay anesthetics.
Garrisons also stopped support after WOD but player housing is evergreen…
i want it to be done like how swtor does it .
sure some decor in game shop but most of it you get as drops for doing raids , dungeons , quests , killing mobs out in the world .
the zones i want available is stormwind , timeless isle , crystalsong forest , icecrown , helheim, etc
I don’t know whether this wish is a crazy thought.
But it would be nice if furniture actually came from professions and vendors with some special trophies coming from raid bosses/PvP. Knowing Blizz I think it’s very likely that a lot of furniture will be random drops from rares etc. with a drop chance of 5%.
Holiday decorations. I should be able to set a theme like in Garrison. I need cozy Winter’s Veil ambiance.
Never spent money on the ESO house furnishing. Well, except gold.
Hopefully they follow where Eso housing led and not FF.
move garrisons to Org or SW city…have all portals (including current expansions) in your garrison.
or have multiple housing options so 1 garrison or house in each city or the cities you want
It will be ESO, they’re owned by the same parent company now. They can just import the server architecture and netcode.
I want and expect the living embodiment of our achievement list and transmog as decoration options. Pick a location, ideally every major faction city and expansion city, building design options, furniture options.
Portals don’t need to be in the house if they are nearby in the instanced housing area (if we can’t see the homes of others it’s already a let down) and while profession tables would be cool not holding my breath. Again, if they were nearby I’d be good.
I’d love a food garden like in mop but for just the equivalent of mage food not stat food. But to enjoy growing and using. I’d also love to see a new profession designed around woodworking to build furniture and a lumber gathering profession too, or possibly finally rolling gathering professions into the building ones.
If it’s instanced I want player neighbourhoods where all my guildies and I can buy houses and go visit each other’s, and I want a big guild hall there too. Basically what lord of the rings online has but better is what I want.
I also want to see professions involved in crafting decor for homes like furniture, rugs, paints etc…
I want crafting stations for sure. A kitchen, alchemy lab, etc.
Also it probably won’t happen but I hope every crafting profession can craft furniture and the style of the furniture is based on the profession.
I can speak for anyone who played FFXIV when I say, trust us, you do NOT want this. FFXIV housing has absolutely atrocious implementation in this regard. You think the forums are a cesspool now? Just wait until there are 200 new threads a day from people complaining they can’t get a house because there are no spots available, and others complaining there are entire wards of houses owned by one or two people just sitting on them on multiple characters.
This needs to happen
Customizable blueprints.
I want to actually have a say in the layout, not just “House #1, House #2, House #3”.
I’d love for my warband, if not all of my NPCs, to idle around the house as guests.
Finally I hope it’s heavy on “trophies”.
E.g. go kill this rare and you can hang his head on the wall.
Instanced housing can be essentially infinite as long as there’s no expectation of being near other people you prefer. They can just fill up an instance and then create a new one, or keep adding new streets etc for as long as they choose. I don’t care to be by anyone specific I just want other people running around to their houses around me. Garrisons felt lonely.
Some things that come to mind: