Player Housing possible Leak, "Dragonflight." Let's talk

For you. Most major MMOs have this feature, and it is very well received. It has also been a topic of request here for years and years.

Based on your personal experience.

Because if you’ve tapped into the player housing community, you’d know the truth to be exactly the opposite of what you were saying.

I mean, I get it… you don’t find housing useful. But let’s not make stuff up to back up your person distaste.


I don’t think it’s legit.

But there are things that I think are necessary for a truly enjoyable player housing system:

  • instanced
  • easily obtainable for everyone (no limited supply, no absurd price wall)
  • high level of customizability, ideally full range to place items on XYZ axis, rotate on XYZ axes, and resize (allows for creation of custom builds, rather than just “place this chair here and this table there”)

WildStar is the gold standard, IMO. ESO-style housing would be acceptable. Definitely don’t take cues from FFXIV on this.


No more so than any other profession. There are always other ways to get potions, gear, etc., but player made items offer variety and depth that world drops or vendor bought items don’t have.

I don’t think sub professions are cool any more. They phased that out a long time ago because of complaints of reliances on other players for components. But as a fully fleshed out profession, absolutely. Bring it on.

I agree with this. When you GET a home in FF14, it has that creative customization. But the process to get one is horrific…

every MMO player housing has been a disaster and waste of resources EXCEPT FOR ONE.


and that’s debatable because 99% of players will never own one in that game, but it’s also the most casual mmo where people just chat and do random stuff with cat girls/bunny girls in dance parties in community based events.

Honestly, FFXIV even fails on the customization aspect. Its item limits are obscenely small (due to the nature of the housing system not being instanced), and you’re very limited on what you can place where and how, unless you have the time to abuse extremely finicky glitches.

God I miss having 5,000 exterior and 5,000 interior item limits like in WildStar. xD

… LOL what?? How are you so wrong. xD


Love this Idea.

Ok. So you just completely discredited yourself from this conversation, more so than your previous comments.


The problem with what we got in wod was that it was a personal quest hub and “thing you have to upgrade to progress your character” first. Neither of those should be part of housing. A pleasant little apartment in the city would be a good start.

That’s how we got covenants.

Basically it needs to be entirely optional, so people who want nothing to do with it can ignore it completely and lose nothing.


No freaking kidding! I mourn the loss of my Wildstar home to this day and I don’t know if I’m ever going to actually get over it.

The only other thing I’ve been crossing my fingers for is Palia since customization with housing and stuff seems to be a major selling point. Otherwise my best option is FF14 since I’m still struggling to fully trust Bethesda again.


Every so often, I go through my trove of screenshots of all my housing plots… it’s like a punch to the gut. But also brings back good memories. <3

Rift’s Dimensions are probably what I’d classify as WildStar housing’s predecessor. They’re essentially the same system, just WildStar refined the placement controls a bit. I like Rift’s Dimension system in that you could buy Dimensions pulled from a wide variety of world locations (though they also later added a completely “blank slate” Dimension), so you could create some pretty neat builds melding your own ideas with the chunk of zone around you.


Might have to check that out. With 6.1 out I put an attempt at getting a house but I’ve already put over 100 hours just trying for a house in FF14, so if Rift has a better system I may need to give it a try.

Meanwhile, I will always advocate for it in WoW because I absolutely bet it could be good in this game if Blizzard actually tried. They used to take ideas from other games and improve them, it was kind of their schtick. So despite everything, I’m still hoping.


That’s fair, Ill concede on that one lmao, Mistweaver Nighfae main in 9.0…

Wrong indeed. I was just thinking about wildstars amazing housing. Only negative thing about it IMO was it being a solo instance. I love neighborhoods.

Can you please fully explain the Wildstar system? I’d like to quote it and I never played even when the hype was real.

The engine already supports player placed objects (toys), and displays hundreds of mesh actors on screen at any given time.

As long as housing is instanced to some degree, there’s no reason the engine shouldn’t be able to do it. Honestly, the most stressful bit would probably be on the database server which stores the item placement. But they could always cheese that by caching it client-side and sanitizing data on load events.


So the way housing worked was at a certain level (it was early on, before level 20 for sure) you got a quest that gave you a house. Now, it was instanced and separated (I remember it being kind of on its own floating rock?) but almost everything about it was customizable. Inside, outside, shape, material, some of it was limited by race but the rest you could just go buck wild.

And beyond that, it had stats that it could provide. This wasn’t gameplay like throughout in raids stats, but things like increased experience gain if you logged out in it (and certain decorations could increase that further), there were I believe specifically world buffs you could get, there were dungeon rewards you could display as trophies, it was just ground to roof customizable. It also allowed you to tag friends as neighbors so they could customize your house, too, which made it easy to have small families. They also got buffs and experience increase if they were dubbed as neighbors.

There were so many options that it was difficult to find two homes that looked alike unless it was coordinated.

Edit: Read Shyaelle’s explanation below, they did a far better job covering it than I did.

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The leak is bogus.
But if and when blizz puts housing into the game, it will make more people angry than happy.
They can’t even bring back tier properly, and that was already a plenty fine working system lol

The implementation of Communities and the ability to browse housing listings and easily visit other people’s plots really took WildStar housing to the next level.

Everyone is given a Skyplot - essentially a flat, roughly squareish (and quite large) plot of land. Lore was Protostar (kind of a “we sell/produce everything” goofy lampoon of capitalism run by clones) was selling skyplots to interested adventurers on Nexus. You could purchase a house to place on this plot from a wide variety of options, including race-themed houses, a “bunker” house that was basically a trap door that preserved the flat surface exterior, and many others. Interior and exterior had separate housing decor limits, up to 5,000. There was a housing vendor from which you could purchase a wide variety of basic building blocks and various other decor items. Decor also dropped from the open world, dungeons, raids, crafted by professions, and later some were sold on the cash shop. There was as system called “plugs”, which were more functional prebuilt things that you could place on set areas on the plot if you wanted. These were things like gathering node plugs, some flavor plugs… Several had challenges associated with them that were basically mini games that could reward housing decor when completed. They were actually quite fun. I remember one was a stealth minigame where you had to make your way through a ship infested with creepy aliens. Another one was going into a volcanic area and clearing out some enemies. Another was rescueing cubigs (goofy pig-like creatures) from being abducted by aliens.

Decorating your housing plot could be as simple or as wildly complex as you like. Some people just picked a house, placed some furniture, and called it good. A huge chunk of the housing community, however, did “custom builds”, basically creating everything from scratch. Decor placement allowed you to freely place any item on the XYZ axis, rotate on 3 axes, and resize it. You could also dye most decor. You could give building permissions to other players, as well, if you wanted assistance. A person named Katja created an awesome addon that, among its many other features, helped you create linked “sets” of items that let you quickly copy and paste when working on massive projects. I actually have all of my housing plots saved as sets in this addon, on the off chance I can some day go back and rebuild my housing plots.

People would arrange various decor items to create unique sets. Many created their own custom spaceships or space stations. Others created landscapes of their own design. Others made fun mazes or other interactives. I know one person who created mini art pieces and put them on display, using hundreds of individual decor. Someone created custom pianos out of random decor items.

Later in WildStar’s life, they also created the Communities system. This was a massive space of 5 linked skyplots with some shared space between each. The idea was 5 separate people could have their own neighborhood. Lots of people also bought their own communities (this was purchasable with in-game currency, not cash shop) to give themselves massive canvases for creation.

You could easily visit other people’s skyplots through a menu listing. One of my favorite things to do, aside from working on my own builds, was to just hop around and check out what other people had created.


True, I think that player housing will return, however. It seems like Blizzard is sort of trying for 10.0 and I would be surprised if they don’t do something at least like the farm. However, it may just be hopium, Still wanted to prove that at least some people would want it, and seemingly seems pretty positive at least among this small % of the base.