Player Housing open letter

I’m just trying to imagine what a player housing announcement would look like at blizzcon.

Have to imagine it’d go something like Diablo Immortal :joy:

Bunch of people looking around at each other like “this is what they’re doing?!”

Player housing would be an easy win for WoW as it needs it right about now. Player housing would allow people to express their imaginations beyond what can be conjured up through an expansion.

Thank you for your very well though post and you are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Name calling is harassment just an FYI and against CoC.

You do you I suppose.

So is trolling but here find ourselves.

You do you too :smiley:

Also, no, it’s not harassment. But way to pull a liolang and throw out a buzzword. Throw “derailing” in there and you’ve got the whole package.

What does this have to do with the topic, let us know.

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Everything you just posted is, again, a matter of personal opinion being presented as fact.


Well, technically speaking, it is for the minority, but not the minority that I know you’re thinking off. Technically speaking, we all have our own ways on how we want to have fun, and we all play our own way, so technically speaking, we are all the minority.


It absolutely is. In fact, I’ve been playing a single MMO from 1999 til today and the biggest reason is because of the housing system. Anything and everything I do in the world of Britannia is there to feed into my house.

WoW could be exactly the same.


We are one.


Plus, think about it. All of the items that are replaced and become useless in the next expansion could easily be put on display in a house. Instead of taking up room in a bank or being sold off.


The post office gets involved.

I think it’s on the way. Devs have already talked about player housing before and what was stated was essentially “we know it. We see it. We want it too. But, it takes a lot of resources and if we’re going to do it we’re going to do it right.”

Oh, and also, it’ll cost you a raid tier.

As for the future, in part 2 of the World soul Saga they’ve already stated they have a surprise feature that’s been requested for years.

Here’s my hypothesis:

It’ll be player housing, but in the form of garrisons using your Warband. It won’t so much be player housing as it will be Warband housing where you’ll do your garrison/class hall missions from within. But, with typical housing flair with decorations and multiple garrison locations that you can choose. They’ve already talked about story mode for raids and story mode for dungeons that you can run solo through with a gang of NPCs. It would only make sense to eventually use your Warband AS those NPCs. That would bring the nostalgia and WoW factor full circle. For your healer in the group to actually be the main you rain in Cata. For your npc tank to be the tank you mained in MoP. Garrisons, class halls, Warbands, it’s all the foundation of a system. Trial and error. What does good gets repeated in a bigger and better form.

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What did I say that’s not factual?

A business needs to have a return in order to justify an expense such as dev time to player housing.

This isn’t an opinion this is a fact.

It’s not. Wow has never had that type of endgame. It’s endgame has always been focused on group content.

That’s not normal for most people.

Not with the dev time needed and the almost zero return it would get.

I’ve seen conversations about it in public channels many times. Sounds like confirmation bias.

That’s neat. Sounds like the value is higher than zero.

That’s discounting the fact that they’ve also said they’re interested in doing it but want to do it right.

You have zero proof of either statement.

Agree to disagree.


I have literally never seen it and I’m in a populated server.

I never said it was zero. I said it’s a minority. Adding player housing is something that has to have a return like anything else a business does.

It’s an opinion. You also have zero proof that disputes that opinion.

You’re more than welcome too.

If you’re so opposed to player housing, why click on player housing threads?

According to you they’re never going to happen, so why bother even entering the conversation?


Thinking about this too; the quote and the ‘surprise’ they mentioned. I really think that could be a possibility.

Heard this somewhere else too. Essentially Warbands is kind of setting up the stage for player housing. I don’t want to speculate too much on it, but this is a rather feasible approach and could set up WoW to doing housing different than other MMO’s.


just saying…as long as you feed them, they’re just gonna keep trying to keep your attention.
At a point they just arent worth your wasted time.

yeah, they do that. Think subjective = objective.
Funny thing about that…if their subjective is objective, then so is everyone elses lmao


Alright. To be fair, not everything in that post was opinion. This statement…

…is objectively quite true. And that goes for everyone that posts here, including the ‘anti-housing’ folks such as yourself. However, the rest of that post…

…is mere opinion. None of it can be backed up with verifiable numbers.