Player Housing open letter

yeah…that would be perfect.


I am one of those mogging nerds, except I wasn’t willing to play Plunderstorm for the pirate mogs so I just left it alone.


Crafting could seriously be expanded with housing.
I mean Engineering. Tailoring. Leatherworking. Blacksmithing, etc…they could pretty much all be used to make a list of things…even combining more than one profession to make many items for housing.

Even just skinning…Id like a big bear skin on my floor in front of the fireplace, lol


My ‘end game’ is transmog.

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I want that super ugly ogre skin in my house lmao


That does look nice.

says the bear rug

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“Pandaren lady seeks big strong Pandaren to lay in front of her fireplace… news at 11.”

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If housing was released as pre furnished mini instances you could not customize people would revolt.

It would almost be worth it.

Housing instances outside of major cities would barely be touched

The forums are a minority of the player base.

Of that minority the people asking for player housing are an even smaller minority.

There is absolutely zero value for blizzard to put the dev time towards player housing

Like it or not most people don’t play wow for house simulator 24

By that logic, the people opposing them are also a smaller minority.

I disagree, as do many others. And they’ve said multiple times that player housing is very much on their radar, so I’d say it’s safe to say that even to them the number isn’t ‘zero’.

Sure, because it doesn’t have it. The question is, how many people would if it did.

I’m sure you think you know the answer, but I doubt it’s based on anything but your own personal opinion on the subject.


Couldn’t disagree more. We live in an era where Blizzard is trying to recapture more people to sub to the game. The majority of MMO’s already have this feature and people that started MMO’s with WoW weren’t accustom to the thought of player housing. Plus think of all of the ‘cash shop’ items they could sell similar to mounts (obviously I’d rather housing be supported by grinding for ‘gear’ and new crafting professions).

20 years later most of those players, at some point, have gone to another MMO that has such features. This doesn’t mean WoW should just copy the feature, but rather make it their own.

I can guarantee you that the day Blizzard announces player-housing coming to WoW that a lot of people would come back because of the endless possibilities that it could offer for the end game. More than just the typical mythic+ raids.


his entire post was absurd. lmao.

  • “pet battles are for a minority”
  • “mog farming is for a minority”
  • "high end raiding/m+ is for a minority’

lmao…a lot in this game isnt done on a regular basis by the majority…and its still there.

100% pointless argument.

make professions so they can craft crap and sell in on the AH for stuff for housing…and yeah…MOST players ARE going to participate on one end of housing or another…

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Is he saying the entire game is for the minority?

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Say that its not and he’ll say that it is just to argue, lol

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Yes. Anything posted on the forum is a minority. But the mere fact that the only place you hear about player housing is on the WoW forums. No one talks about it in game at all.

“On their radar” do you how this sounds to anyone in marketing? It’s basically acknowledging that some people want it without committing to it. At this time they don’t see how it’s able to make a profit or be something that’s not burned out faster than torghast.

The majority of people might try it out for a month or two then it will be doa.

The majority of the player base play this game for end game.

As is yours. At least I’m being realistic.

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You’re entitled too.

Player housing isnt one of them. It’s such a niche market in this game.

And the majority of mmos are behind WoW in popularity.

The shop doesn’t affect me and the playerbase would have a hissy fit if anything was added like that to the shop.

You can’t guarantee that at all.

Player housing isn’t an endgame.

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Not what I said at all.

Your best bet is to ignore Liolang. They aren’t there and aren’t able to actually comprehend points let alone refute them.

Side note - fairly confident zenli’s a troll as well. Just FYI

Should read my exchange with him, and then the fun back and forth the two trolls have had together this thread :smiley:

Also, it’d be impressive to have over 5k posts in this forum and to not be aware that liolang is a troll

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I can say with confidence they are not. Either way, Player Housing would be easy money for Blizzard. They have said it is something they might look into at some point, just not at this current moment as they are focusing on the trilogy.

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