Player Housing open letter

What do you think of the idea of using already instanced raids and dungeons as player housing? They’re already separate, just gotta maybe remove the 25 person limit. Could turn the mobs friendly and have them as instance dependent NPCs.

“Dang, seeing 30 people sitting around on yaks really added to my gaming experience.”

Then it should be easy for you to show me a house in the garrison. Like, an actual personal living quarters. A screenshot will do fine. I’ll wait patiently.


I just wish for an already furnished instance house, nothing too fancy or complicated.


ESO is cool in that you can buy the unfurnished house for X gold…or pay more for it to be furnished.
I always get the furnished and then replace some stuff when I get something better.

By definition a “garrison” is not player housing. It’s a military compound for group housing of troops.

The term garrison may not even technically refer to the building or town itself as the people stationed there collectively.


Yes, seeing other people populating the cities does add to the feeling of a populated world. People already complained about it with garrisons, player housing would cause the same thing and probably one of the reasons blizz doesnt want to do it

Yeah, most MMO’s have houseing and very few don’t, but I think Blizzard should be able to do at least an instance furnished one as an cheap indie company.

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They wouldn’t, and there’s plenty of good reasons why, but this discussion has been had a million times on this forum and I assume you know how to use the search tool if you’re interested.

So I’ll just leave it at: no.


I imagine that Blizzard is keeping Housing, Ogre/Vrykul/Tuskarr playable races, classes like Tinker, Caster Necro, Bard, Runekeeper, etc., or even more class-race combos as a ‘panic button.’

If subscriptions and player numbers start to drop abnormally or worryingly, they’ll release these ‘features’ to bring players back or keep them.

At least, that’s what I naively like to think


As opposed to in raids, dungeons, arenas or battlegrounds? :upside_down_face:


Most likely they are, the thing is about tinker and bard there are no weapons in game for them to use or mog universally.

I can see them using houseing as a panic low sub button.


In the world of Warcraft, isn’t that exactly where “adventurers” are supposed to be? Killing stuff, getting loot, interacting with others?

Bit of a far cry from “tea at my place”

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Test Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) and see for yourself that what you said, isn’t so true.

The game has a well-developed housing system (even Guild halls.), and at the same time, the capital cities are so crowded that even my PC (which isn’t bad) experiences FPS drops.

So, with a little effort and work, it is possible to create an interesting housing system without affecting the usability of the open-world.

The problem is, does Blizzard have the capacity and willingness for this effort?


They already did, there are plenty of topics on both these forums and the EU ones in which this is discussed and you can use either the search feature as you have suggested or even google if you’d like to find them.

What I meant to say was that when people complain that player housing will pull people out of cities it’s a silly arguement because all the main content already does that. It’s a complete non-issue. :upside_down_face:


That’s fair

Sure, if you want to pretend that garrisons in any way resemble what actual player housing would be.

Then yeah, we can all imagine together that the results would be similar.

Sounds like a fun game! Not particularly productive, though.

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I’ll always support the idea of player housing in World of Warcraft. To me, and possible others as well, it’s the one features that is keeping this game from being the purest and most elite MMORPG on the market.

I’m not going to sit here and say how Blizzard can implement it, but the idea of being able to place anywhere in the world or for Blizzard to have pre-determined house plots in the wilderness could work.

This feature could also introduce so many ways for players to play WoW and all new crafting options just dedicated to housing and furnishing the house.


Exactly! The houses are all already there; so many random buildings around the world that don’t serve any purpose other than being a canvas for the world.

The doors could easily be clickable to allow people to claim it as their house, or it could be like Garrisons where you just instance in when you reach that spot.


yeah…very much feels like they are saving transmogging anything on any class as a selling point for a future expansion for us mogging nerds, lol
Just do it already.

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