Player Housing open letter

Or more than one location. Have the option for multiple houses across the very large player environment that is WoW. Also, it will need to be instanced because otherwise it would be impossibly messy.

Guild housing won’t happen imo. There are too many likely issues and if a guild wants to have a house, they can always have a Guild Master create one and provide access to all guild members.

No, absolutely not. Nothing that is normally in a city should be in player housing. It should be entirely cosmetic.

I love the idea of ph, but only if they did it right. If not, I’d rather they not do it at all.

I made a similar request a few years back. Using the unused housing visuals in the towns and villages to allow people to rent property. People could visit and be zoned into something akin to the enterable houses/inns etc.

Although, personally, I would prefer more class/spec/profession based quest paths for XP progression ahead of housing. Another request I made in the past.

Heck ya! I love how you could outfit your DAoC house with Trophy’s from kills. Wish they would do the same here, example kill Ragnaros use his head as a trophy in your house and i guess at the same time a campfire for cooking haha

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I’ll settle for a customizable warband camp where my alts can hang out and my pets can run wild.

PLus, they can add music reels back and make them account bound.

The gamers here really have no idea how cool it can be, it’s a shame they never played DAoC.

Edit - Onyxia’s head over the threshold to my home.

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Ony’s head would look great above the door to the house :), maybe i could get my house with black dragon scale siding to match ;p

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Oh sure they know. And they probably don’t like any of them.

But it isn’t like Blizzard devs are always right. Shall we talk about the weirdly unfinished WoD that had a practically automatic structure inherent in its story but was a disorganized hot mess and got housing entirely wrong? Or how about those new features in BfA that were so well received? Or maybe we should discuss the entirety of (shudder) Shadowlands?

Blizzard developers get it wrong A LOT. And Ion in particular seems to base all decisions on his own preferences, which simply don’t reflect how most players feel.


Oh man Spinster brought up Shadowlands, the trophies from there would be amazing…


Naysayers in action, just ignore this post if you’re against it. OP can suggest anything to Blizzard but doesnt mean its going to happen… Chill!

I would love to see houses and apartments in the city as options for player housing. Whenever I think of housing I think about how nice it would be for the option for people to smaller like an apartment. All those empty buildings in our cities. Just imagine a little cozy apartment in Ironforge. A chic little pad in Silvermoon or log cabin in the woods. There could be some fun options for people that don’t really care to those that will go all out.

We can’t do any more for player housing than we already have. Its up to them now.
If they don’t know how to make a successful game and succeed at player housing then they don’t deserve the success and they’re in the wrong business.
It’s insane that we even still have to ask. when other games have had successful versions implemented for almost a decade now.
I’ve given up hope. Wow isn’t the game for player housing. Will they prove me wrong? I hope they do.

I think a city apartment would be a good starter idea - ESO does that, it gives players a free room in an Inn to start of with, so they can try it out. And the cities have masses of suitable locations.

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Player housing will rot away like it did in EverQuest and their neighborhoods. Just ask Holly.

You’re beating a dead horse that has been beaten and killed thousands of times over the last 2 decades. This has been requested since the beginning and 20 years later we still don’t have it and they’ve said to never expect it. Garrisons were the closest we’ll ever get unfortunately.

If you want housing, check ESO, soon Guild Wars 2 has what looks to be a very nice housing system, FFXIV (if you can get lucky enough to buy a plot lol), etc. but WoW sadly will never have this feature and most have given up on the hopes for it one day.

I would love it and want this, but I know it will never happen at this point and I’ve made my peace with it lol.

ESO would disagree. So would Final Fantasy (though I dont like the style). Even poor old Wildstar had excellent player housing.

Cosmetics activities do a roaring trade in WoW. People sometimes forget that.

I have contributed numerous ideas to player housing since WoD. I won’t go over any of the suggestions for the method of implementation, but there is great economic potential

Profession expansion and new ones:
Professions to expand

  1. Tailoring: Various items in the house made of linens (practical or decorative)
  2. Mining: Mining stones of various types. (marble, granite, etc.)
  3. Blacksmithing: Various items in the house made of metal (practical or decorative)

New Professions

  1. Carpentry: Various items in the house made out of wood (practical or decorative)
  2. Masonry: Using different types of stone to build structures.
  3. Sculpting: This would be a sub-profession that branches off of blacksmithing or masonry
    3a: Blacksmith sculpting: can make various statues, monuments, and other ornate things of different sizes out of metals
    3b: Masonry sculpting: can make various statues, monuments, and other ornate things of different sizes out of stone.

Warband Integration
A Warband can be implemented to occupy a single house. When one character is active, the other can be doing random things around the house, or be assigned specific tasks to perform while inactive. For instance, have an alchemy table in the house. A character who knows alchemy can be assigned to make specific items and has access to the Warband bank. When all the required mats are available, the character with create the item and transfer it back to the bank. Same with cooking and jewel crafting.

Other Features
Have a stable outside to show a few of your mounts. A pet arena to show two pets sparring. Trophy room to display your favorite weapons and armor sets.

Most importantly though. It has to be completely optional. Not bound to the story like garrisons were. And just because many don’t like the idea of player housing does not mean the other many will not. Many participate in PvP. Casually or professionally, BG or arena. While others have no interest in it. How many players do you think there are who are dedicated to every feature of the game?


Well prepared to be disappointed

Id rather content that isnt furniture placement

im kind of hoping that with guild wars 2 next expansion having housing with a “large” amount of customization similar to rift or wildstar that wow may jump on the band wagon. it will also reel in a few ffxiv players as well maybe some bdo and eq players. honestly they could do it as extra paid content or market certain biomes/zones as purchased and feel they will recoup if not make a decent chunk of money so its not a loss to them since they prioritize story and pve raiding above all else

I just want a puppet show interface where I can have a bard tell fantastically embellished tales of my character, brought to life with an integrated story mode version of the WC3 Reforged PC World Editor. Key in a player’s seed code and away you go.

And then gradually add expansion packs from locations that were introduced in WOW. It doesn’t matter that your sprawling goblin steampunk train depot or your ‘Ardenweald but as a giant beach resort’ worlds don’t fit into the game geography. I’m a little surprised fantasy games haven’t embraced the idea that player housing can be entirely fictitious and even visually different.

You shouldn’t have to choose one or the other. They should have millions of devs pumping out decades worth of content for wow but they don’t. The idea that content costs raid tiers is dumb as hell. they can move heaven and earth if they want something done.