Player Housing MEGATHREAD

“Noob” means new beginner.

Look it up.

I never said they would tie it to nothing. I said that in other MMOs player housing is optional.

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It seems to be you who can’t seem to grasp what people are asking for. :person_shrugging:

Hugs always help.





Yeah, and I can see this thread is turning into a meme.

I got two users hugging it out – for what I don’t know.

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Look at my Achievement Points then look at your’s. :rofl: :rofl:

Psh. And now we’re playing superiority over something extremely trivial.

I’m done here. You’re boring and bogus.


You want in on this, buddy?

A little dopamine hit will do you good.

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The typical player house don’t seem very WoW. We should all get air ships that we can park anywhere as a base of operation. Customize it of course in a variety of ways.

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well you are one angry person and obviously cannot have a civil topic discussion. you must hate yourself. everyone here is pointing out that they either want it or that wow is not a place for that.

it is really nice to see how you can only come up with the same line over and over again because your anger does not allow you to have constructive conversations.

I’d totally be down for housing if they could somehow put it in the game. I probably wouldn’t touch it, but I know a ton of ppl want it.

garrisons just leave a sour taste in my mouth

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These threads have been a meme for a long time. Right up there with playable high elf threads.

In both cases, people got what they are asking for already, and are simply unhappy with the results and implementation.

Class, this is what we call projection.


This isn’t true and it’s a weird stance to oppose housing. As someone who played FFXIV for years and had a house, the most that these things are used for are RP, storage, gil sink, and ERP. That’s it.

I rarely used my house for anything as it was simply added to sink gil. People who aren’t going to interact with you now aren’t going to diminish their desire to interact with you if they add housing as they weren’t going to do so already.

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keep sulking. its getting you nowhere. it is also not a good look.

Raid or die expansion? Na
Nothing to do for casuals? Na
Flying contraversey that turned a lot of people off? Na
6.1 patch being about twitter and a selfie camera? Na
Garrisons? Yea thats why WoD was dead!


Housing would be one of the best things the game could release right now. All other mmorpg’s already have this feature and none of the them the world is empty or people gets isolated, in fact it generated even more social interaction, just see the neighborhoods and parties in FFXIV and the same thing in ESO. Housing would be hugely beneficial to the game, bringing along a new profession, spreading lots of new content to collect across the world in all expansions, like home decorations and stuff. Garrison is not housing, it was an ugly misconception. They need to look to FF XIV to implement this correctly without lose the social aspect of the game.


Class, we’re about to see the elusive irony in the wild!

I’m so excited.