Just because i have a house doesn’t mean i stay there. Garrisons sucked there was very little customization.
I think it’s okay that FF has a feature that wow doesn’t. And vice versa.
Housing is cool in ff, im sure it has a place in wow. Just seems like blizz doesn’t want to devote that much dev time to it. What else can you really say
Yeah I don’t get this stance either. “Everyone will hide in their house!”
SWTOR has like 10 different houses you can own but the Fleet is still packed with people.
I vote for air ship over a stupid house, that’s what I say
Garrisons could have been player housing, but Blizzard decided to go with the “place of work and personal quest hub” idea. The technology could still be used as a basis for actual player housing, with things like racial architecture upgrades and building sites in popular zone locations.
We were never given player housing.
An already furnished apartment we weren’t allowed to customize is not the same thing.
Player housing is probably where they’re headed and it would be the official death of WoW. The point where they throw in the towel and admit this game is nothing but cosmetic dress-up.
World PvP was one of the best feature of WoW. It’s what distinguished WoW from Diablo 2. In D2, you spend all your time grinding for gear, just to get the gear and have nothing to do with it - you stop playing. That’s what WoW is now without World PvP. You get gear just to raid log or idle, so you’re only other choice is cosmetic dress-up. They just haven’t admitted that’s all that’s left of WoW yet. They’re going all in on cosmetics, it’s the biggest feature in the game right now, and without classic, there’d be no reason to play.
What I assume will happen in the future, in an effort to get people to continue to raid, is drop extremely rare NFT type loot from bosses. For instances, only 0.02% of area rugs that drop from some of the most foreboding villains for your new player house have a picture of Anduin Wrynn, smoking a pipe, with a beanie on and a gold chain. Or something like that. It’ll be a way to create a real money economy, keep the newer players engaged and get in on “Web 3”.
There’s only so much you can do with a house. It’s a nice piece of ownership, but ultimately, there’s no way adding housing diminishes the community/a community. Communities are sought out, not organic these days in all MMOs, FFXIV included.
Because they were housing with additional buildings.
And this illustrates one of the problems with player housing. There are as many opinions as to what player housing is as there are people. So there is no way they’ll come close to making more than a small minority of people happy no matter how much time they invest in it. There will always be people going, “That’s not the player housing I was thinking of.”
In this game we’ll only get instanced housing, that’s the foundation the games built on. And at best instanced housing is just a very fancy interface for your inventory. Instead of being able to move items to different slots in your instanced inventory window, you can move them around in an instanced room.
When it comes to creative builder games there are SO MANY other better options. Anything they could do would just be a very sad imitation of them because this isn’t a creative builder game.
This is why I vote for air ships as player housing. It’s more Wow, and it moves where you want it.
The problem with everyone of these threads is look at FF, SWTOR, ESO, etc. for examples. No, hell no, lets keep it WoW not copy paste from other games.
Air ships, boats, a more customizable garrison, these are things in WoW that would satisfy the player housing and be far cooler and useful.
And as evidence for my point… Another definition of what player housing should be. I suspect everyone that cares about this has a specific head cannon role play they want it for.
But that would be a creative way to allow unique in world housing instead of a door we all click on to go to our instance. I think there would be parking problems though.
It is, it just falls short of your expectations, which doesn’t mean it’s not housing…it just means you’re disappointed in the implementation.
Ion is a lawyer. How many times people need to get lawyerspeak for “we dont do it because it would bring a nightmarish amount of player malcontent in exchange for no revenue at all” before people realized it will take WotLK numbers to even consider adding player housing ?
This would be the major issue. Personally I would want to park it over the zone I’m in. So there would need to be an instance for each zone that air ships would go to. I’m no coder so I have no idea what sort of issues this may present.
Also air ship PvP battles or just showing off your air ship to guildies and friends needs to be a thing too, to really make it a proper WoW addition.
People have been asking for a new profession for some time, furniture maker and wood chopper would go along well with any player house addition. Really a must have to make any player housing feel like it’s part of the game.
I’m betting the token makes up for much of this
You can make this argument for any addition to WoW. DR and trading post for example. Revenue comes from keeping players playing, new content does that in all forms.
Yeah, yeah, the same old crap people say.
Players are a cost. To get players to play has a cost, to add content players play has a cost, and HOUSING a even bigger cost. FFXIV devs tell it very clearly and detailed, but most people playing wow will mostly not watch a 45 minute explanation on what it entails.
So no. KEEP PEOPLE PLAYING by itself is not getting revenue, it is getting COST.
Playing is a cost ONLY, nothing in playing means revenue. PAYING DOES.
But basic accounting:
People always talk about diminishing returns but they mostly seem not to know what that means. Diminish returns is basically the idea that adding some specific quantitiy of agregates while keeping others the same brings diminished returns due to the nature of the process.
PLAYERS are a diminishing return.
Picture each server supports 100 players, and has a cost.
1 to 100 players cost THE SAME in servers.
100 to 200 players cost THE SAME in servers.
So if 75 players pay for the server in terms of accepted revenue, always you have less than 75 players you are losing, always you have 101 - 175 players you losing, always you have 201 to 275 players you losing.
So while reaching from 1 -75, 101 to 175 is a must, staying in 76 to 100, or 176 - 200, and so on is a cost.
But a server do not accomodate 100 players, but much more, and that does not apply only to server cost.
So no, new content and keeping players playing not always means revenue.
That is the first thing.
Any addition to the system is adding not only another source of shared cost, but all the support needed for that. So adding housing is adding potentially support work from all the problems it brings, and support staff is proportional to support demand in the same way servers are to players, meaning “one support person” can handle X support needs. You need to hire one expecting to earn enough to pay for it and justify by it to happen X times or around it. So the more support demands, the more support people are needed, and they have to be paid.
So again, same thing, other issue.
Again, NOT ALL REVENUE IS NET REVENUE, that is why the terms GROSS and NET are used in the first place.
And that is why people dont notice that talking about INVESTOR DATA to draw ACCOUNTING conclusions is dumb.
I’d much enjoy a Pandaren house. Kegs, bamboo, relaxed vibes.
I get there’s a risk, WoD proved that, but that’s just them being stupid with flying more then anything else. Some new content costs more then others, yada yada yada
As ESO and SWTOR have player housing with a small fraction of the player base WoW does your argument makes for poor reading.
It’s a choice, not a technology roadblock.
I think player housing would be a wise in terms player retention, specifically for solo and/or RP players who already have very limited participation in group play activities anyway.
Trying to force people into mythics or raiding doesn’t work. Giving them something else to do, might.
I think its silly that people think it would destroy the community, empty out cities or limit the number of available players for their groups. Lots of games have housing and it didn’t do any of those things to them.
Furthermore, its selfish and controlling to try and deny people the content they want just because you want them bored and available for you to use in your groups. Which of course is a moot point anyway as dungeon addicts and hardcore raiders would not suddenly drop everything to abandon you to go decorate their houses. In fact, having special kill trophies and other decor drop in dungeons might INCREASE the number of people queuing up. Maybe. But in the very least it won’t hurt it, lol.
Include guild housing to encourage guilds again, add a carpentry profession (at the same time make gathering proffs secondaries and allow people 2 crafting proffs) have multple phased districts around the world so people can chose their aesthetic (wintery, tropical, forest, dwarf caves, etc.), allow crafting stations amd additional storage in home but NOT banks and auction house, let people chose which pets and mounts to have out in their home and stables, have a mail box at the home, and pretty much leave it there.
Would be perfect side content without taking anything away from the main game, but rather, adding to it.