Player Housing MEGATHREAD

everyone. you think everyone wants player housing. the only time i ever hear those words put together is by the same 3-4 people on these forums. i am sorry to be coming off as a cold sore on the topic but wow is not the game for this sort of feature. the world in wod was dead because people sat in their instanced garrison. what makes you think housing will be any different.

i said it before and i will say it again. if there are no mounts, pets, toys, cosmetics, titles or achievements tied to it and the non player housing crowd is not “FORCED” to do it, then by all means start working on it now and bring it on.

Timewalking raid Black Temple to unlock the “Den of mortal pleasures” furniture set.

Many things like this could be done.

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No, but they can RP as it. :person_shrugging:

I don’t want a WoD 2.0.

Ion said they are working on it slowly over time, bit by bit, since it is a tier-worth of effort and they don’t want to sacrifice a tier to get something as non-content as housing.

I believe the problem there was too much stuff you could do while hiding in it. There was a mine, a mission table, profession buildings, invasions, herb garden, fishing hole, pet menagerie, and those are just the things everyone had.

I don’t want WoD 2.0 either I just want 100% optional Player Housing not tied to progression. If you want to know what I’m talking about look up Wildstar Player Housing… it was one of the very few things Wildstar Devs got right.

This isn’t Wildstar :person_shrugging:

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Doesn’t mean they can’t use it as an example. :person_facepalming:

answered a million times - it would take a ton of dev work for a feature they don’t even know how many people would use.

Ok so

Why not Runescape? Runescape had TREMENDOUS success with the construction skill and created SO MUCH UTILITY for players. Is that a good example? No? Oh wait this isn’t Runescape and the majority here doesn’t care. :person_shrugging:

osrs isn’t wow though

I love osrs, but PoH in that game was developed early on, and that game I’m assuming (back then) wasn’t as much of a nightmare as wow is to work on

Definitely needed another thread asking for a feature that was already attempted (garrisons), widely disliked, and still having a negative influence on the game’s economy 10 years later.

And there we go, ladies and gentlemen.


Did you… not read the next line?

I love osrs.

But again - i’ll repeat it - it was developed WAY earlier on in the game’s life cycle

And player housing will be part of WoW for many. Including your wife, friends, and guildmates who are yessing you in hopes that you’ll drop the subject.

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This is speculation. Can’t really argue with wild theories.

Some people have.

And you think it’s the same 3 or 4 people when it’s not. People have been begging for it for years.


Which makes me think it would take a ton of work, or else by now, we would have PoH.

It’s been posted on this forum every week for the last 10 years bro. If they wanted to spend the time and work on it, they would.

But at the end of the day, blizz doesn’t feel like it’s worth the risk of dev time, or just doesn’t want to.

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Probably pretty accurate speculation unless we actually think it would be the first feature they didn’t tie any of those things to.

Achievements, at the very least, would be a part of it without a shred of doubt.

I’ve been on the forums longer. This request is up there with Classic servers. Well, before we got them of course.


It’s about as non-content as transmog, battlepets, and mount farming.

Also, not tk put too fine a point on it, but if Ion’s lips are moving…