It sometimes baffles me how far out of their way Blizzard will go in order to not deliver on what the fans seem to want, we’ll spend years asking for X, Y or Z race… then they go and add some random thing that nobody wanted and then pretend to be shocked when it isn’t received well
The only way player housing should be implemented ingame is if it’s NOT instanced and if it’s open for warmode/world pvp.
That’s the only reason it should be ingame, imo. That’d be a blast.
If they can’t do it, then I’d say no to player housing as we already have garrisons.
It would have to be.
Garrisons =/= Player Housing.
If it has to be instanced then it won’t work because it’ll be just like the garrisons.
No one would leave.
Yes we would, they just need to make sure that it’s all cosmetic/fun stuff and not tied to every aspect of the expansion like they did with Garrisons.
Well, enjoy your game that never evolves in any meaningful way.
Don’t be surprised when people quit because it’s the same song and dance twenty years later, lol.
It’s beyond stale.
The rats and roaches won’t even sniff it.
So it’d be like a large trophy room then. That sounds boring to me but that’s me.
If people want that, ok I guess. I don’t really care.
I’d rather see it not be instanced and open for wpvp.
I think that’d be hilarious. If they did that, I’d arrange to have my house razed every week.
That’s enough now. You’re still here, after all.
Yeah, the vast majority of people that play WoW couldn’t give a damn about wpvp.
That’s like your opinion man.
Barely, I’m here for Season of Discovery lol.
DF is basically all finished now, and I certainly didn’t pre-order the next one, despite being bombarded with “UPGRADE NOW!”
After those cutscenes, I think I’m retiring from retail lol.
Alexstrasza did nothing this whole expansion, and it was basically her time to do something.
Also, Earthen suck as an allied race… like what? I already have a Dark Iron, and those are cooler.
I don’t know what to say, other than retail has been really weak lately. There’s nothing to pull me in and keep me invested. I’m more revulsed than anything else with it.
They accidentally made the PvP trophies grey items this patch, so many other bugs, it’s just hard to me to justify continuing to invest in retail, so I won’t.
This stuff SCREAMS incompetence. Those of you that pre-order are just fools, and really can’t complain when the expansion isn’t up to par, lol.
You already bought it, they don’t have a reason to improve it since they have the money.
Housing like FF is probaby not in the cards.
Housing like ESO’s, however…
Yea I agree with this. Between this issue and adding more races, GD is really fixated on two really werid things.
They should have an option for the people who don’t have the gold for a whole house to have their own instanced room at the inn of their choice for free. Aion did something like that where they had a free studio apartment instanced zone for the players who couldn’t afford the actual houses. You can still customize it, it’s just smaller.
By “the inn of their choice”, I guess the way to simplify it would be to pick from each race’s inn themes (i.e. human style room, orc style room, etc.) and any innkeeper could port them there. For RP they could add an option to only be able to access their room by physically being at the exact inn they want to call “home” (and whatever the theme of that inn is would be the theme of their room). It could be like setting a second hearth location (I don’t mean to port there, just for it to be like only talking to this one innkeeper at this particular place will let you in). That option could be turned off for the people who want the convenience of being able to access their room from any inn.
Or maybe that’d be a good way to introduce player housing, while then expanding upon it by adding houses, etc.
Would love to know thoughts on this idea, I think it could be really cool.
(Sips )
Talk of the day is “Player Housing” huh? Neat.
Well, ya know, the GD.
It’s just not a normal day until someone is complaining about a system that would be 100% optional. Blizzard gave people what they wanted, TBC flying, so now it’s on to the other popular request.
People have clocked years on their characters with their playtime.
Wanting a home for said character isn’t cringe.
They have had time to develope the game better and they havent, they stop mid xpacs and call 5 min bs a patch. They have m+ folk brainwashed
Player house brings the world to world of warcraft closer to a world for each individual player for their character identity. Same with guild halls. Both of these would boost the game tremedously
Okay, Thank you for your opinion. I completely disagree with you.
It would be good for the game- heck even a revamped Garrison that works differently/similarly would work. I’d spend hours putting things together.
There’s no reason we should have to be hobo’s still, It’s been 20 years: let us have a home.
/signed someone who has been here quite a while.
Yes it is.