Player housing is a waste of time and development resources

That’s cause Garrisons was basically WoD’s progression system. It doesn’t seem that way, but when you start to think about how it was tied in with legendaries, professions, dailies, weeklies, and how much of a core component it is to WoD that if you take it away, the entire expansion (at that time) doesn’t function, it becomes pretty clear. PH’s (at least those who do it well) don’t design it to be one and done progression systems.

LoL not a chance!

But yeah, it was100% /s.

Just do not trust Blizz to do it right in any way. The hamsters would keel over from so many personal player instances lol.

Poor things.

What s needed is not only player housing but GUILD HOUSING. The equivalent of the garrison but with only guild members in it. With portraits of players who just got achievements, heads of latest boss kills, diner hall etc. A community for the guild to rp or play in.

As for player housing I still want to rent the room above the Inn in SW. Doors are locked and you can allow friends or people or your guild to have access to it via an interface so no need to give keys manually.

If you want to see how to place objects look at the Hogwarts Legacy game and how they implemented the customization of the Room of Requirements. This is how items placement should be done.

A new market interface/location sells items that all professions can make from beds to paintings to rugs and some could be on the trading post and AH.

Places have a fixed price depending on location and demand. No demand low price etc. People/guilds can bid in a AH style to get a place and every month the rent is due or the content is mailed to the player and the place rented to someone else.

The most important part is to make housing part of the city NOT an instanced place. You need to be able to walk up the stairs like in the alliance BFA Inn and just phase into the room if you are allowed in. There are so many rooms all over all cities that the locations should already be available. Undergrounds like the Dalaran sewers for rogues are a perfect example of how housing could be underground and expand in size the more a guild spends on it.

Guild could rent the space under a cathedral or castle etc


It is indeed a waste of time & resources now. The time to do it was 10 years ago. The effort would be useless now.

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exactly just like climbing and dragon riding.

“I have no idea how amazing properly developed player housing is for over all open world features, world pvp, economy, etc because I never played a game that had it like ultima online.”

Just post this.

So you saw Barm’s post in support and, rather than just comment in the negative on that, you had to come here to post your indepth critique.

(Puts another coin in the Sarcasm Jar).

All the points have been made for and against many times. Perhaps find something else to be negative about.

You know what else those MMOs have? “Outdoor content and group content”, so I guess we shouldn’t do that either…


You remind me of the players who posted this big “wall of no” when player wanted classic servers. along with code is lost and only a small number want it was an excuse by people like you. Yet here we are and classic servers have millions of people and…we no longer see the wall on no.

Housing is also in Phantasy star online 2.

This sounds cool

Do you remember the “wall of no?” where is it now?

Okay, game dev

Stopped reading here. Its a way bigger percentage than the forums think it is.

Good bait, though. Made me respond.

Actually player housing, if done even remotely right, would be the most evergreen of systems and provide nearly countless amounts of hours of engagement for people AND Blizzard already has the foundation in Garrisons to build upon…

Imagine taking the garrison but actually doing it proper to make it an account wide representation of the time and years spent on your account. Imagine something all your characters share (or at least each those of your faction) that has unlockables based on actual game content. For example, each class can have a class hall/wing that only is enabled when you get a max level (or 50/60) of that class. Imagine you have similar things for professions. Characters can be assigned to work their professions when offline and even “teach” other alts and passively level their skills up and/or teach recipes.

Imagine each and every faction comes with an entire litany of assets we can collect/earn from basic reputations to drops from rares or bosses. You can have each race have assets unlocked and available for customizations as you level and gain exalted with each playable race.

Imagine an armory where you can have mannequins showing off your favorite mog sets in various poses. Imagine a trophy hall keeping track of your most prestigious boss kill with a timestamp when you earned it.

This place could be a place that comes with us expansion to expansion and is something they continuously add to every patch/season. The ROI between dev time and player engagement hours would be astronomical


Dungeons were never going to get cut from the game. Stop making stuff up.

Cool please link your research


Not in the open outdoor world, they’d be an instance.

What is garrison

I don’t think it’s really about what they personally dislike more. The reality is that flying didn’t make everyone quit the game and WoD/the garrison did.

Maybe there will be housing. I think it would be cool, but at the end of the day I doubt they’re going to make it a major feature like they did garrisons.

I t would definately be a boost to casuals looking for something other that chasing Meta’s and toxic groups in M+ and raiding.