Yes, I meant M+. I had forgotten, until recently talking with a friend of mine, that we had 10 dungeons in the rotation during BFA. We’re moving the wrong way, we need to increase!
Literally everything you are asking is stuff they already do, I ain’t saying it’s perfect but they either don’t know how to improve or don’t want it to change, if the outdoor content isn’t fun for you it’s not because they don’t have the resources or time it’s because they either have no interest in what you would find fun or they/you don’t even know what that is.
Gearing options have never been higher and easier.
You kinda delusional
It’s easy to say just add housing to the game, but I think people are underestimating how difficult it would be to add without breaking 100 other things or how intensive it might be on the servers. Would everyone be able to get one or would there be a limited amount with people fighting for them?
There are as many, if not more, potential negatives than positives to the addition, with not a whole lot of net benefit to blizzard, which I’m sure they are aware of.
SWTOR has good player housing…try it. Wont take long for you to see it either.
It can be done well and I think there it is done well and would be very popular in WoW if a similar system were implemented. Themed by region etc…
It would certainly be a more productive use of time and resources than content like Forbidden Reach. Zereth Mortis…etc. To be fair towards Forbidden Reach, while I generally do not like the experience provided, I did like seeing the Black Empire text. That was interesting to read through. Hopefully there is more to find and I just havent found it yet.
I would honestly advocate for anyone to play through SWTOR long enough to buy your first house. You can have quite a lot and if you still think it cant be done, then I think it simply isnt something you enjoy as a game feature.
Or see if there are some youtube videos of it. I wasn’t expecting much but it was extremely impressive.
FF14 housing sounds great but I heard its all limited to space available and can be randomly sold or something and putting in time for a system like that is a no go for me. So I never bothered.
Really when one looks at all the come and gone systems since WoD and cites waste of time and resources…kinda makes you think…Garrisons were just done wrong.
Player housing would be a great fun waste of time for sure if it’s done right and always new things added in the future.
Definately be a good way to get that /time played metric up. Better then quests that have poor drop rates or mob spread far apart.
The issue is that it brings no gameplay loop. People will design their house and be entertained for what a month? Then the years of development time invested will be a waste.
We don’t have low drop rates or far spread mobs anymore. They got rid of that back in 2012
Why not just don’t do it? I don’t get it. Or are they forcing players to participate? First I’ve heard of this
From a publisher standpoint, housing is a possible huge cash cow opportunity for all sorts of microtransactions because housing gameplay should not lead to any power discrepancies between players.
Why are you so quick to yuck someone’s Yum?
Edit: Ah, nevermind. I’ve seen the rest of the main page.
As someone with similar manic tendencies, please run around your house a lil bit, drink some hot tea SLOWLY - and grab a lil snack.
Im by no means against player housing but i have read enough threads on the subject to say that some of the requirements some players have to consider it player housing are a bit unreasonable. I think itd be best to temper the expectations for the system as opposed to demanding essentially an entire new game built in wow all at once.
That’s only if you’re short-sighted though.
Housing sounds good in theory…
But the actual implementation has me scared.
Would love to have neighborhoods and open world stuff where you can see each others houses and neighbors.
But in reality, we would likely get a solo phase area where everyone’s house is (just like garrisons) and it would be a unique phase only you can see, unless you invite people to group.
If it’s gonna be solo phase / instance based stuff, I wouldn’t be very interested.
I want to know if Blizzard is even capable; I think they’ve lost a huge amount of capability to create complex projects due to their ridiculously short development timeframes of these overused patches and direct feedback path from streamers and, presumably, their new Agile customer focused design.
When patches are coming out every three months, or less … which patch had a level of complexity that equates to player housing? None. Which raid has the complexity of player housing? Not sure, none? 10.1?
It takes them a season to put affixes on existing dungeons for M+.
I simply don’t think Blizzard has the capability to put out a new game world, refit the game world, or provide a solid player housing solution that will get within sight of the well regarded solutions in other games.
With 700 people, and a new studio, they should have the capability. I’m afraid they haven’t used their world design skills in so long they’re incapable of complex features beyond one raid anymore.
I hope I’m wrong.
I disagree completely. I think designing three raids every xpac for .1% of the population to be a bigger waste.
Atleast housing can benefit everyone including the raiders if they add materials and trophies from them.
Housing as nothing more than “barbie online” type of content where you stuff it with junk to show off to others is a waste of time.
Make it part of the larger world where it must be defended from random things happening in the world. And depending on how you prepared for those things, your house can be partially destroyed and need repairs.
Maybe you can also add various “beacons” that randomly attract critters you can use for pets or monsters that further attack your residence forcing you to repair it.
And with all this can come new tradeskills related to carpentry to help build the house and contents for it.
If none of that is being put on the table, then please don’t waste time on housing. We don’t need to retread the same boring crap we’ve seen the last 20+ years.
I tend to agree, but if they did undertake such a project it would almost certainly have to be as a tentpole for a new expansion. I just don’t think housing will be successful on a level sufficient to justify that kind of risk.
What sort of things?
Maybe we will get a closet feature in the future. Since it’s god awfully annoying having to swap whole gear set options for specific content. Since they want to force separate gearing sets down our throats. I want one toon to do raiding, pvp, and world content/warmode stuff. MY BAGS currently are too full to carry all the shirts they expect us to wear.