YOU say its a small percent son, but casual players make up the bulk of the base in way way or another.
YOU aint the one with any authority to say if its a waste of time or not.
We know that some people want housing and some people do not. They can’t just throw housing in as a little side project, that will just leave the people who want housing disappointed. For housing to be a feature that makes some people happy it will require expansion level development resources. When they make something that big their goal is that the vast majority of players will engage with it, but we already know there is a big divide on this issue.
This is why player housing in WoW is doomed to be a waste of resources, because the resources required would demand that housing be a central game system.
Once saw a Developer interview where they said everything was a small percentage of the player base. Raids? a small percentage of around 10-15%. PVP? a small percentage of around 10-15%. Mythic+ was a little higher at 20-30% but that is still a small percentage. So on and so forth.
Personally I like EQ2’s housing system. I like being able to craft items, set those items to scale smaller or bigger.
Don’t get me wrong I enjoy playing the game as is. But lets be honest, outside of Mythics, character leveling, and raiding the game doesn’t offer anything in the way of doing.
While being a social multiplayer game there isn’t many social aspects to the game outside of trade chat.
I’ve been back in the game for about 8 months now, and honestly the only time i talk in game is when I need something crafted. But meh, guess thats the way of the world now.
I don’t think we are devoid of outdoor content. They just made the rewards kind of boring for some of it. The gearing options have improved. I don’t know why people think it has not. You still get decent gear for playing outdoors. You won’t get mythic level gear, but we aren’t doing mythic level content.
Which MMO has housing failed in? It’s been popular in every game I’ve played that has it.
Ion made very clear in the interviews they did during Dragonflight that the player base is diverse and engages in all activities and not at all aligned. Perish the thought that you will get PvP = 15%, Raid = 13%, Mogs = 14% – that number isn’t coming out.
There is a source for this, but it won’t change your mind because it’s not accurate enough.
If you were hoping to skip straight to the place where we have all underestimated how many people want player housing, it’s not coming. Look back at the posted interview on player housing again. Ion admits it is not even clear within their own dev team.
The OP claimed a small percentage of the player base. You can make an argument that all forms of content are a small percentage of the player base. But based on the context of what the OP said, it seemed an inference that the people who want player housing is a significantly lower percentage of the player base that other forms of content.
We do not know those numbers. And I am not arguing by any stretch that the majority of players would want it. While we cannot say for sure, I would think it reasonable to assume its similar to the numbers you listed for other forms of content - especially mogs as I would imagine there is a correlation there with rp.