Player housing but explain to me why

well, then where oh where is your player housing if it’s such a money grab? We all know Blizzard and their daddy company love money!

Do you even think before you type? Genuine question and concern.


Imma go with a big ol’ NO on that one.


So EverQuest added in player housing, and to me it’s the dumbest thing ever. It’s a gold/time sink. I’ll never participate in it aside from selling wanted items on the AH.


It does increase the time played metric and some people like to play dress up and play house. So I’m not against it. But it takes dev time and resources to implement and keep up with each expansion and they tend to bug/break quite often.

I think people just want the customization. Their own little house to build and design how they want it to.

The concept of garrisons was awesome…your own little hub, bustling and customizable (to a point) where you could chill, do some quests and design the space to your liking. the Execution of it was poor, with many of the garrison buildings pretty much negating any real reason to go out and do content.

I still enjoy going to the garrison to AFK honestly. between M+ or before raid, it’s great. i think many people want the more of that AND more customizing options.

I am going to have to say NO, I just react to the person. Now if it requires thinking yes but in your case no. I mean I now see why you want player housing when I look at your profile and gaming history, you need something in the game you can keep up with and that goes for you and the person below your post. Think about that ok! Baiii baby!

Well, at least they admit to it, I suppose.

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Google “FFXIV player housing events”.

People throw actual legit parties.

That is a matter of perception, I.E… entirely a “you” problem.

That’s fine, it’s not for everyone; you don’t HAVE to engage with it. No one will… “force” you.

I personally would like to see it added.



I think RP’ers are the majority that want houses. I don’t play on RP server but still think it’d be cool.


Pretty much true. The thing is, everyone playing this game is a role-player to some degree.

Now, before anyone jumps in to tell me I’m wrong…or worse, and unfortunately typical for these forums, stupid…think about this; is your character something other than a human accountant / store clerk / student / what have you? Because if you’re a paladin, mage, hunter, etc., then you are…in an avatar state in the very least…playing the role of something you are not.

Oh sure, some (most? who knows) of you aren’t going so far as to act out the personality of your chosen character, but we are ALL of us participating in a role-playing game by its very definition; a MMORPG. Even if your participation is no more involved than that of a movie stand-in, guess what; you’re acting a part. Welcome to role-playing!

Heh, I can sense the cringing scowls from here…

Anyhow, yes. Player housing is for role play. Therefor, for everyone.

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Thing is I think player housing made sense when the game had more players. Now? I don’t think they will purely because there’s no point wasting all the time and resources to make it. Then making stuff drop stuff for your houses. I think it would require huge server updates they probably just don’t want to spend the money on for a game in it’s late life stages.

But it would be cool to have like FF14 instanced areas in the world to have houses.



If you feel forced to do things in a video game you need to find a hobby you actually enjoy doing.

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That’s the trap. If they tie it to any kind of player power or boost, it will suddenly become mandatory for anyone wanting to do group or high end content. Everyone’s house would look the same to get the optimum bonuses.


Funny that I just seen this. I think it would be easier for them to update the garrison by expansion. Keept it where it is but offer crafting and such there. I personally miss hanging out at my garrison crafting.

Lore-wise, that wouldn’t really work. According to the story so far, we aren’t even supposed to be able to go back to WoD version of Draenor anymore. Timey-wimey alterations have thrown that world further into the future from us.

We can of course use our garrison hearth to go there, as well as go through the portal to Ashran…but that’s game mechanics, not lore. If Blizz tried to simply expand the features of the garrison to satisfy requests for player housing, they’d have to ret-con their story telling yet again.

Not that they necessarily wouldn’t, mind you. They are rather lazy with the lore.

Why does it have to align with Lore? That would make no sense. Then why keep the other zones?

That is the big question. There are so MANY zones, cities, and instances that would need to be updated to keep up with the ‘story’ to date. Suramar for example, should be cleared of the demons and hostile elves that inhabit it, since the Nightborne are now official members of the Horde, and it is still their home city.

Blizzard would have to spend a great deal of resources to do that, however. Using just the example of Suramar, it would have to have its current state phased separately from an up-to-date version, so that characters leveling through the Legion zones could use it as is. Phasing is already a pain in the glutes as it is.

I know that isn’t exactly an answer to your specific question, but I’m just highlighting the effort needed to update a zone/city/instance…or garrison…for use in the current ‘timeline’. And honestly…it is important to at least try to have the game’s content align with lore. It is a story-based game, after all.

Do you have a full updated garrison? It isn’t really necessary for it to change, just the crafting and things that match the current expansion. It is basically a town like SW but for individual characters. Nothing really needs to change. Shoot on the holidays, especially Xmas you can update the guards and things in the garrison with decorations.