Player housing but explain to me why

People in the forum often make posts about wanting player housing.
What would these houses be for? What are people demanding we get out of these houses?
Do you just go sit by yourself in a zone like a garrison?
The only player housing experience I’ve played is The Sims.


I mean… they could sit by themselves, could also be RP events where they invite folks over.

Could just be for folks who want to collect furniture like they do transmog, and/or enjoy the thought of creating their own style of house/building layout for a character to hang out in.




Don’t worry about it.


Instead of making an entirely new thread, you could have read all of the other threads that explain all of it.

The Sims is not MMORPG player housing. Nor are Garrisons, before anyone goes there.


Why are so many threads about player housing popping up lately? Even if WoW were to eventually introduce it, it will surely be half-baked stuff as per usual. There are other games out there that have had it for years, and with pretty awesome features, too. I mean, you don’t have to beg for things that have long been standard elsewhere. Just play them.^^

WoW is just very outdated and limited… and will probably stay that way. :dracthyr_shrug:


Swtor had a lot of interesting housing features.


Similar to transmogs, just more customization/collecting.

In other MMOs, by completing achievements or content, you’d get unique furniture/collectables etc… another time/gold sink that some people enjoy, other don’t. But is a standard feature 99% of other MMOs have.

Garrisons was an idea… but lacked a lot of customization and lacked furniture found in other MMOs. There was space for like 2-3 statues you earned for raid kills, but was not fleshed out enough.

While GW2 doesn’t have player housing, they do have Guild Halls where guilds have their own space to congregate and socialize etc. Others like FF14/ESO/BDO/SW:TOR all have player housing.


Wowhead posted a T&E video about player housing and in the video he reminded everyone that during the last Blizzcon (before COVID I imagine?) the dude asked Ion about it and Ion said they were working on it.


Fable 3 Has The Sanctuary! For player housing!

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I don’t watch their videos, so I have no idea. Well, if Blizzard were to bring player housing after all, they would only be a decade behind several other games, and how good it will be… I’ll remain very skeptical for now. :sweat_smile:

There is no gameplay point to player housing. It’s a way for a player to express themselves and also have a place that they can just sit around and relax when they’re not doing anything. They could invite friends over to hang out, to roleplay, do whatever.

But as history has shown, people are cynical over the way it should be implemented because people assume everything needs to have an endgame gameplay reason to exist otherwise it’s completely pointless to put into the game.


I don’t either but I want PH in WoW so badly that I had to give it a peak.


Best thing to do is to play an MMO with housing. No one on the forums can bestow upon you the experience required to understand and explanations aren’t going to cut it.


I’ve been playing more Palia recently than WoW because housing is more interesting to me now.

I have an entire village on one of my plots now! :smiley:


As someone who doesn’t care about player housing, I want player housing for the players who want it.

Anything that adds optional fun to this game gets a thumbs up from me.


Player housing has been away to express your character, have another place to be with friends, and if done like Wildstar have items that can be crafted and sold on the Market.

But unlike how Wildstar, ESO, and FFXIV do player housing, Blizz would more then likely make it an expansion feature, like Sun Song Ranch, leaving it locked there so items obtained in other expansions couldn’t be added.

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Lookie here. Another one. And one more that has a low post count.

I wonder when account-wide ignores can be implemented so I know this hasn’t been created by an alt account just to kick the horse even more.

Anyday now.


Another thing to complain about when it is inevitably a disappointing time and gold sink that doesn’t meet expectations.

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I’ve been playing wow since vanilla, i just don’t post much? :person_shrugging:


If only there were posts where people explained these things… maybe like the ones you mentioned seeing, but I guess never bothered to read.