Player housing better be not just for the rich

I sincerely hope everything is obtainable via farming. Fill all those old dungeons and raids with stuff. Make the older worlds full of life again.

Make things like the lumber mill in garrison make exclusive furniture. There is so much they can do.

Pretty much this. If they do this, I can’t have a house at all even a shack, and I also can’t turn off their mansions which I see everywhere I go, Imma quit. I didn’t think I would ever quit over player housing but this would totally make me go there.

I think thats what’s turned me off from the game more than anything is that i like the meat and potatoes of it. I like the combat and action and actually playing the game but i feel like Blizz has gone a touch too far over the line into mobile gaming where you basically have two options and thats to either farm or do the most boring monotonous sht which takes 100x longer or pull out your credit card and be done with it…And i get it, im not complaining, farming and professions is part of the genre, that’s fine. Im just saying i personally dont love that about this game right now.

Almost every MMOs uses housing to take millions of game currency out of the game. It is a money sink for sure.

I believe you’re right. But it’s going to start slow. There’s some “gamer virtue” to be had first by ensuring your small shack is only for gold, and can be earned by everyone. Then gradually, the player base says “I will not farm any more boring quests” we will beg them to add the shack for $10, a brutosaur ranch for $15, and an Elven themed home for $45."

Obviously the $500 goldshire mansion plot comes with Trader Tenders.

Limited time. You have a future in Blizzard marketing.

I assume they will allow everyone access to basic player housing at a relative low cost.

They will probably give us some simple furnishing via quests.

But, the real fancy stuff will be for sure behind achievements, gold vendor, and cash shop.

The real money maker would be making the housing be a bid scheme. While selling bid tokens like those penny auction scam sites.

20 dollars gives you 10 bids. Bids paid with real money. So people are incentivized to maximize the amount they bid up an item.

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I don’t give a rip if a few things are expensive. That said, MOST of player housing features should be about beefing up player rewards and engagement. In particular we should be getting rewards for our homes for playing the game, crafting housing stuff, and collecting things from old content for our homes.

And most of it should not be difficult. Gear is the reward for raiders and M+ players and PVPers. The many, many players who don’t do those activities should have housing as their end game. Delves are a good start, but so much more can be done to keep collectors, explorers, and RPers subscribed. Housing is WoW’s chance to beef up the game for those of us who don’t play to win but rather play to play.

Why would you do old content for gold when TWW gives it out for free from just doing world stuff?

Or like the Warband Bank, right? A selling point of the expansion …
I doubt that player housing will be any kind of ‘free’.

Likely player housing will be a reward for completing a story/quest line.