You must be confused my newfound and beloved, friend. Because that statement you just made is incorrect.
You made an incorrect statement but that’s ok, we all make mistakes sometimes but we learn from our mistakes and become better people for having made them
Because it would take a lot of developer time and money to implement this and only 6, maybe 7 (if you have one friend who hasn’t yet spoken their desires on this thread) who would benefit from it
Back when people started asking for cross-faction guilds, I said, well, you might be able to worm your way around that, but you wouldn’t be able to do group content or trade items outside of instances.
And people shouted at me NO YOU’RE WRONG HOW WOULD YOU KNOW.
Now we have “cross-faction guilds” and - SURPRISE! - you can’t do group content or trade items outside of instances.
Told ya.
Some day, maybe somebody will realize, “Hey! Brewa actually knows what he’s talking about!” I can dream.
You’ve hit that Internet Discussion moment where you ask for something, but even if presented with it, you would just come up with another excuse to deny it.
To be fair, at this point it’s probably best to just get WoW a new coding source anyways, we’re still using the WCIII engine and that thing is NOT suited well for a MMORPG. Sure they’ve attached some sphaghetti code to it to allow for some new functionalities but the mangled up frankenstein of new and old code is just frankly a glitch fest.
Yes blizzard is capable of making GREAT THINGS, not just good things.
You know how I know this? Because blizzard brought us the beloved garrisons in WoD. Those garrisons were so awesome that there is absolutely no reason to spend more developer time and money on them already because so many people still love them and derive so much joy from the garrison!
Including the devs themselves apparently? It’s already been debunked that the forums are a microscopically small sample size vastly outweighted by people on other media sites, and by the devs own admission themselves, who want better housing.
You’re pitting your own opinions against verified empirical data…
So “better player housing” implies that player housing already exists in the game.
So thank you for confirming that garrisons are, indeed, player housing. This discussion need not continue because everyone already has player housing and we don’t need more of it.
I’ve already admitted he’s not exactly the most honest man, but to reiterate… he has Microsoft breathing down his neck IF the deal goes through, the playerbase obviously asking for better housing, etc.
Even the most dishonest crook knows when the jig is up, and one way or another it is up eventually.