Player housing and garrisons

Done. Patterns are sold by Nightborne rep, naturally.

And none of it makes any sense. Which is why player housing won’t be expanded upon, in WoW.

It’s simply not worth Blizzard’s time and expense to cater to the small handful of GARRISONS WEREN’T HOUSING REEEEEEEEEEEEE players.

Updates to garrison, or a garrison 2.0, would be feasible, since we know the game engine can handle those.

Unfortunately for the people who “want” housing, they’ve said that revamped garrison is unacceptable.

 no more housing. Because of the people who “want” it.

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Garrisons are proper player housing.

If you didn’t like garrisons, I promise that you won’t like the new garrisons they make either

You can keep repeating that all you want but it’s not going to make it any more true.

They’ve said, very recently, that it’s something they want to do and they’re going to take the time to do it right.

Again, I think you know how to not click on a thread if it doesn’t interest you.


i agree that would be sweet.

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That its not based in anything but a very small percentage of players on a forums that by Blizzards own admission consists of less than 10% of the player base. That it also ignores Blizzards own interview where they talk about player desire for player housing. And that you’re putting your own belief forward and trying to prove it IS rather than prove what is the truth of the matter.

You’re not using logic. You’re using feelings. :smiley:


updated garrisons would stop the bleed of subs imo

Oh you mean Star Wars the Old republic?

Didn’t that game die off within like two months of release? Maybe it would have done better if the developers spent more time on fun and engaging content instead of wasting all of their budget on developing new garrisons

everyone BUT YOU likes garrisons.


Now is the housing in SWTOR anything like Garrisons? No.

Play FF14.

Is the housing anything like Garrisons? No.

You and Daruffle need to get out of here with this disingenous bullcrap.


not because of housing.

So you admit you like garrisons?

There ya go, folks. We have confirmed proof that garrisons were beloved by all and there is no reason to make new garrisons because the first garrison rendition was perfect :slight_smile:

Good thing no one is asking for new garrisons.


I played DAOC, AC, SWG, lots of other games that had the kind of player housing you’re wanting. I had an MMORPG house 25 years ago, before WoW even existed.

In all of those games, you could drop items from your inventory on the ground and pick them up again.

That’s a basic functionality WoW lacks. If WoW can’t even drop things on the ground, it’s certainly not built to handle world structures.

WoW can handle a “slots” system like garrison had. And the farm, and the artifacts in Korthia, and many other examples. It can do that.

But the REEEEEE crowd has said another slots system is unacceptable. They demand something the game cannot handle without being rewritten from the ground up.

So no more housing.

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Well spending all that time and resources on dead content certainly didn’t help SWOTR stay alive

This folks, is an excellent example of the term “confirmation bias”
it is one of the many many biases and logical fallacies this subject has exhibited thus far.


There are literally activities in the time rift where you do this.

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You said the same thing about cross-faction grouping, so forgive me if I doubt your “expertise” on the subject.

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Drop items from your inventory on the ground, then pick them up again?

There’s a world quest in Shadowlands where you can do that with a skull too.

It’s not new.