Player housing and garrisons

Just gimmie a sea shanty song for my home be at sea
:pirate_flag: :sailboat: :parrot:
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


The argument was settled in 2014 when housing was added and the people who ‘wanted’ it didn’t just turn up their nose, but went berserk.

Just like they do in every thread since.


Yes they are. Should have asked for adjustments and improvements instead of continuously going off on these GARRIONS AREN’T HOUSING tirades.

Housing’s a dead goose at this point. Because of the people who “wanted” it.

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Lmao I missed this gem in all the other manure.

Housing is the oldest and most requested feature for this game to date.

That might have been true if garrisons were housing, but fortunately they weren’t.

Easy mistake.

Here, I’ll make this easy for you: go to your garrison and take a screenshot of a house. I’ll wait.

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Again… that’s because Blizzard BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION, took out half of what was shown and didn’t do anything to make up for this, and that was so last minute without any real announcement that of course people were outraged, that’s just bad customer business practice.

Beating a dead horse, especially a dead horse that has been proven again and again in this very convo not to even be a horse.

The dead horse is even rising off the ground and in perfect English telling you it would like to try and do housing again right this time, are ya gonna argue with the miraculously undead talking dead “horse”?

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If they have a crafting profession, you could have them craft things for you by clicking on them and opening their trade skill menu. Imagine your alt grinding out those hundreds of inks or potions while you do something else.

Oh you mean like how garrisons were a centralised feature of Warlords of Draenor?

Wow that would be a great idea. Oh wait, they already did that in Warlords of Draenor with garrisons.

I suggest you go start the garrison questline so you can customizing your lovely player housing, my wonderful friend :slight_smile:

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Ion hazzicostas said they are going to try again with player housing, is that what you are trying to tell me?

Oh, ok. The same Ion Hazzicostas who said tendies would never be sold on the wowshop, but hey guess what popped up on the shop this month?

YUP, you guessed it my wonderful friend. Traders tendies!!!

Tendies on the shop for everyone to buy!

This is flat-out wrong. I used to talk to friends about player housing back in Vanilla. At the time the people I talked to wanted to be able to pick from various buildings that looked like houses that were placed around the world but didn’t have interiors. The house I had picked out was in Ashenvale on the right side of the road if you’re entering from Darkshore, IIRC. I’ve never played FF14 and don’t know a thing about it.

Aside from that, if you go and look up some videos on RIFT’s player housing you’d know that nothing you said even comes close to what I am talking about. Even just the ability to place picture frames on the walls, lighting, knickknacks, etc. Not to mention creating your own buildings with a system very similar to Fallout 4’s.

Garrisons were nothing like the player housing people wanted and that’s probably a big reason they failed. They all looked EXACTLY the same and were boring af.

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A big reason they failed is because no one wanted them in the first place.

The failure of garrisons had nothing to do with their aesthetic and everything to do with the fact that it isolated players from everyone else.

The reason garrisons failed is because players didn’t like being alone all the time, the exact same reason why player housing is wanted by no one

You all have your player housing already in game. Why are wasting time on the forums when you genuinely go enjoy your coveted housing right now in beautiful land of Draenor!

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I would sincerely advise everyone to stop engaging this clown.

He’s only here to rile people up for attention.


And by their own admission botched it terribly… again, this is kinda a dead argument no? By the horse’s own mouth it was a botched job that they only had themselves to blame for.

Admittedly I doubt they’ve personally learned their lesson with recent events, but I do think at least impersonally as business employees they’ve at least seen enough bad decline in customer base to change the way they do a few practices. Come the end of the day that’s all that really matters. (Probably helps that Kotick will be gone come the acquisition if it goes through, Kotick being the biggest financial bottleneck in the company)

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Please stop pretending Garrisons are the same thing as this RIFT housing. People are literally begging for player housing but you keep dismissing them because they didn’t Garrisons. Garrisons were the “we have player housing at home” version of player housing.

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Garrisons weren’t a “version of player housing” they were player housing, no question.

Did you even bother to watch the video I linked? It’s very short.

I sure did.

And you’re still never getting a new version of player housing because they already gave you player housing and no one liked it.

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Because it sucked. It wasn’t good. It was Dollar General player housing. It was egg noodles and ketchup. It was a Tinder match with Megan Fox and getting Roseanne Barr.


Hey I’ll give you the same challenge I gave Brewa: take a picture of a house in your garrison, I dare you.

A private residential building. Go on. If garrisons are housing it should be easy, right?


It was the best version of player housing that could possibly ever exist. You are chasing some sort of pipe dream. You think you deserve better player housing but the reality is that you got the best version of player housing that is possible.

It is not our fault that you can’t be happy with what you have.

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This is blatantly false, there were several features cut from the original garrison design that were very much improvements over the current design.

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You know what isn’t false? The fact that garrison were indeed player housing.

And I’m not the only one who thinks so

Look Eluneish confirmed exactly that garrisons are player housing.

So if you want a house for your player, go start the WoD garrison questline, my wonderful friend :slight_smile:

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