Player housing and garrisons

I want battle pets and you other characters on your server. How cool would it be to see your alts just wondering around doing stuff?


They could easily set one door aside in both capitols, set it up like the Mists farm or garrison, and have an internal instanced ‘house’ that we could use.
Put tons of FIXED spots in it we can add things to
stuff we’d farm
furniture, mounted dungeon/raid boss heads, chests for storage, etc.
Dont wait for it to be like ESO housing
that will never happen.

Theyre making it sound like it cant be done, but we already have it done in the farm and garrison, lol.
Just do one for each side for now. Quick and easy. Then add to it as time goes on.

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Everything I ever read about “player housing” always amounts to something that I would play with for 5 minutes, then never touch again.

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As I recall this was even a planned thing with the garrisons up until they scrapped it alng with another garrison system or two just before launch on live. It’s even in the Blizzcon preview of garrisons.

This is why it needs to be an evergreen system, one connected to other in-game pillars optionally with things like drops in content where people frequent all throughout the current expansion: pet battles, PVP, raids, M+ etc. Can’t please everybody but if you can please some of the people all of the time as the saying goes.

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when you do like ESO and get a free hearth from anywhere to your housing, its a lot easier to spend time there, lol

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Don’t bother, that’s his only setting lol

It doesn’t have to be for everyone :dracthyr_shrug:

Not everything in an mmorpg should have to be or needs to be done by every player in the game. I mean just look at M raiding and High keys in M+ content that a lot players don’t end up doing but yet content still gets made for it.




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To be fair, they did scrap half of what was supposed to be in garrisons at launch, that’s really kinda on them for cutting corners? As for never doing it again, Ion has gone on record (Int the Q&A for DF) stating housing is something they’d like to do but would be akin to losing an entire raid tier and would thus need to be worked on in the background over a few expansions and it’s just a matter of doing it to the same standards as other games.

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When they are ready to add it. No one here knows because they never set a time frame. They only said they would like to add it but need to make sure when they do it is the right time and done correctly.

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Everything you asked for was available on garrisons:

The music box

The achievement monuments

An herb garden

A fishing pond

Pet battle building to house pets

A stable for your mounts

And just so many more features, I don’t want to waste my time by listing them all.

You already have player housing. Just go to your garrison and customise it :slight_smile:

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That’s not what people are asking for, they’re asking for housing as garrisons were originally slated to be released in WoD’s Blizzcon: with items from other content that could be placed as decor, house detail customization options, different locales one could place the actual physical garrison, etc etc

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Yes the garrison monuments did this for you.

You could choose different buildings and place those buildings in different locations.

You could have a fishing pond and an herb garden and even a mine for ore.

Sorry but player housing will never be added because no one liked garrisons.

Blizzard tried to give you all player housing but every one complained about it so much that they got rid of it and never tried it again.

They were and are, but this “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” from the player housing crowd made sure that Blizzard will never touch housing again.

Good job! You guys really soiled your own nest on this one.

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Not at all what was asked for, that’s in a very centralized location OUTSIDE of buildings, what we WOULD’VE gotten was the ability to put items not only inside buildings but also in several different locations.

 isn’t even relevant to what I just said

Again, Ion has CONFIRMED they’d like to try again, just that they’ve learned from garrisons and aren’t going to screw it up themselves this next time.


It would basically have to be a centralized feature of an expansion, like how Dragon riding is to DF or class halls were to Legion. But it is doable with enough resources and time, and with Microsoft possibly buying out Activision Blizzard at that point they’d have said resources.

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Oooh I like this.

That or “records” and there’s a juke box of some kind
 that would be neat.



Garrisons are housing.

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No idea why you bother involving yourself in conversations about things that don’t interest you.

You don’t care about housing, great. Go away.


If you were super into Orc/Human looks with a splash of dwarf/belf then yeah, some great choices.

You mean the few preplace spots for only WOD stuff?

Pretty sure I can’t put my Legion weapon anywhere I want there.

One so far that I agree with.

A different choice of building perk here and there is a liberal use of “Completely different” however I will say that even with player housing from other homes people would decorate rather similar so meh to this point.

Yeah, reread what was said there.

Absolute lies.

Well by everything you’re asking for everything that can be viewed in a certain point of view as player housing and that that many, many other MMORPG games (including ones older than wow) do it much better, then yeah sure Garrisons are the answer!

Yeah, how could people be disappointed with the system that wasn’t half of what it was at blizzcon when it was shown off.

I always enjoy what blizzard picks and choses to listen to player feed back. People overwhelming disliked pathfinder yet that system went on for several expansions. Almost like that isn’t an actual reason and just something to say.

Spelt some words wrong, but I got you champ.


By their own admission garrisons are a halfbaked rendition of housing, an old 2014 video doesn’t exactly disprove or even lessen the current argument
 just goes to further show they want another crack at it and want to do it right this time.

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