Player Housing: A forgotten and missed opportunity

Alliance encroaching on Horde settlements?
sharpens axe
This… means… war.

Oh and before it’s even a thing:
Blizzard gives Alliance cooler looking structures than Horde:
“Obviously Blizzard favors Alliance over the Horde!”

I’m beginning to be swayed back to the side of Sylvannas was right…

How’s Wildstar doing?

And this right here is a issue people like me are going to have with a player housing system. I personally would want a art style inspired by IceCrown Citadel.
My Demon Hunter would want a art style that is more… Legion inspired.
My Forsaken would want a haunted house.

Whatever they put in will not appeal to everyone.
You can please some of the people all of the time but never all the people some of the time.

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But Duct tape and tarps are coming back! All the rage these days!

I would love this, but only if they make it very customizable

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They player housing was great it was the group content that killed that game

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By duct tape you mean the tendons of Alliance and by tarps you mean the flayed flesh of Alliance.

Leatherface… approves.

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I’m gonna call it now… if they implemented the player housing and all the elements that this group of player housers want… someone is going to build a house shaped like something banned.

And yes the group content was a nightmare of bad ideas built on top of bad ideas… and sprinkled with bad ideas. It’s like they took everything people liked about group content in games since EQ… and banned the ideas from being used.

It was because of these massive turnoffs that I quit… I wouldn’t care if player housing was great… that is a minor side activity to me. If I wanted to a build a house simulator… I’d go back to The Sims and build a cool house… and eventually get bored again and turn it into a death trap that even Jigsaw would ask “What… is… wrong… with… you. No I do not want to play a game with you!”

The logistics get in the way of this. For other players to see other’s houses, you’d need to download all this data to clients. The more customizable the house, the more data to be downloaded.

Player housing makes the Maw look fun.

See unfortunately Blizzard listens to user feedback and a lot of that feedback tends to be very bad for casual players. I dont think player housing is anywhere on their radar at the moment. I mean we don’t even have a flight master’s whistle anymore.

Ok so you don’t like player housing


It’s a dream but Blizzard is also very cautious about giving guilds too much power.

I didn’t say I don’t like it… I don’t see it as a necessary priority nor something that will improve the overall health of the game. I want more instanced content in the game and not a set number of dungeons to run over and over again for 2 years straight. I’d like to see dungeons designed for 1-5 players. I’d like to see our collectible pets play more of a role in our gameplay besides being a side game.

Heck I’ve said before I’d like to see a raid boss where we use our battle pets against it (a mutation off the vehicle combat boss we had in Ulduar).

I imagine it would definitely be a side activity kinda like pet battle, which is not required to participate.

I feels it’s a mistake for blizzard to put all their eggs in one basket, which they are clearly doing now.

It’s called torghast, it just needs loot.

Calling the Garrison player housing is like saying putting extra shredded cheese on a Hot Pocket is ‘homestyle cooking’


Anything that would require continuous development time each expansion is not going to happen. That’s the reason all expansion features just get thrown away all the time. It’s easier to develop in a 1-expansion vacuum than it is to continuously update a system.

Never new class spells. Never new talent row. Garrison thrown away, class halls thrown away, everything thrown away. WoW is past the era where they iterate on features. Housing will never happen.

Garrisons are just Personal Farming Hubs not a real Home.

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Pet battles?

I’d love to see a return of an improved player housing or garrison.

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I still think Garrison was Blizzard’s version of player housing, when the concept was relatively new, like 10 years ago. It just went a different direction than what is widely adopted today. Will Blizzard implement a more popular version of player housing? I think they will when they have the money to invest on it, and need the money from it.