Player Housing: A dream for many Role Players

One was from a Blizzcon. That streamer from the T&E duo, Taliesan or something like that? got to ask Ion a question and he asked about PH.

The other one was with Hazelnutty in 2022 IIRC.,no%20player%20housing%20in%20Dragonflight.


Would love to see housing similar to how it’s done in games like Skyrim’s Hearthfire.

Allowing players to select certain regions in Azeroth to create their own homestead using phasing complete with a Flight path.

A progression style homestead where you would need to work towards it by collecting materials and investing in upgrades and time to build. Mannequins and trophy cases, different racial influences on architecture and furniture. Could even have options to add a small garden or profession related area similar to what was in MOP or garrisons. Maybe a menagerie or zoo to house your fav battle pets. Fish tanks for fish etc. you could do so much with a housing focused patch. Could even charge for it like a mini expansion. I am sure there are many people that would love something like this.

I haven’t read up on why it hasn’t been implemented but I am sure the technology is there.

I would absolutely play more if I could spend my time building, farming, working on displaying my collections etc. would give players something to do inbetween raids. Would cut down on raid logging and have more concurrent players active.


I’ve never looked at how other MMOs incorporate player housing, but back on the Gamecube Animal Crossing I used to fill my house with every gyroid I could find. Sounded absolutely horrible. If WoW ever gets housing, I hope I can do something like that.


Oh, I do.

But I blame Blizzard first and foremost because they hold the decision-making power.

At the very least, I would love to have a place similar to the garrison that’s just my own, allowing me to decorate it however I please (Halloween all year long? yes please!)

More importantly, I want a place where I can put my pets (both battle and hunter) as well as my mounts, like they have in ESO. That would be amazing <3

kmn. /tenn

First we cleared Undercity, now we’ve reclaimed Gilneas… Could they be working on adding housing districts to these locations? It’s not too farfetched I think, but still wishful thinking. It would be nice to have other locations ideally though, maybe a housing district in each race’s capital city.

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I learned something I didn’t know before. The eggs you can buy to place around inns… the cheaper ones are free placement. Practically anywhere. I was putting them on tables, under tables, on chairs, kegs, stairs, etc.

So my original “they’d have to make it a hook style” was incorrect.


If we ever get a old world revamp… the chairs in Shattrath need to be made sittable. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO RUN AN INN WITHOUT SITTABLE CHAIRS?

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Just to reign in expectations a little: it’s just a background image for the login screen, replacing the home city images we have now.

There no indication I’ve seen that it will ever have any ingame connection (nice as warcamps brainstorming might be). Unless there’s been something I missed?

While there was some coding stuff that needed to happen in order to make classic work with the new database structures, I seriously doubt if that amount coding is even near what will be required for player housing. And lets be honest here, people won’t be happy with just one house. Classic seems to have brought back some of the player base if we’re to believe the leaked slides, I don’t think the housing return on investment would be anywhere near that.

/e puts on her flame proof undies.

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I wish low level mail sets were copied from leather instead of shoving gear meant for warriors and paladins after the Legion armor proficiency update

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If it’s done like Wildstar it would be great, you could easily visit anyone’s place if they put it on ‘public’. You could travel to their place with a code or just randomly visit places, just flag them as RP etc for wow RP? In the past the biggest argument against Player housing was “it would depopulate the cities”…
That’s no longer valid since we have so many disjointed ventures for people to spread out now.
Classic Season of Discovery
Classic Hardcore
Classic WotLK
soon to be Pandaria remixed
on top of everything we have inside each …
dungeons, follower, normal, heroic, M+, TW
raids, LFR, normal, heroic, mythic, TW, solo old LFR Q
Arenas, BGs, Warmode,
and then add old stuff, dozens of zones from old expacs,
pandaria scenarios, Battle for azeroth island expeditions (multiple difficulties and pvp)
BfA battlefronts, etc, etc, etc…
I don’t think player housing is going to make anyone ‘miss’ other players standing around any more than what we already have going on.


My player housing idea was to have us become mayors of these old settlements across Azeroth and sort of treat them like our garrisons. With a TON more customization options obviously.

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I want my very own Druid grove as housing. This Druid does NOT want to live in an apartment in Stormwind. I would love if they made a few styles of housing and not just an “apartment”.


I want to go inside those houses built into the branches of Amirdrassil in Bel’ameth, they look like they’d be really cozy.


That would be perfect actually. I would enjoy that as much as the grove.

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Ironically, it was Wildstar’s player housing that finally convinced me it doesn’t really fit in an MMO.

First, the housing system, while intricate and well-made, was fairly unimportant when it came to gameplay. It’s main benefit was setting up a source of rest exp, and perhaps a place to craft, while also serving as a gold sink (you had to pay upkeep). And while it was admittedly fun to place decorations and such for bonuses, you could also just pile it up in a heap for the same mechanical effect.

But the bigger impact was the isolation of players. Why log out in towns or cities when you could teleport to your very own home? Why even VISIT them when you could have almost everything you needed one button-push away? It was something we saw in WoW with Garrisons, where people would disappear into their own private instances, cut off from the rest of the game world. Cities would have huge, empty stretches (except for WS’s versions of the AH) making them feel abandoned.

All in all, I felt like that particular game would have benefited greatly from NOT having housing, so players would actually see each other running around and feel like they were in a living world, not an empty amusement park.

Given how varied everyones backstory and personality could be, this would require a lot more development time then just adding simple housing.

That can be done with out housing. Imagine trying to get into this house only to have some not being able to due to too many instances being open.

It also adds guild drama. I remember Dark age of Camelot. I remember the fights over what to build and who should be able to access the housing.

the other challenge lies in the instance servers. Since there’s no way housing could exist in the open world with out phasing.

Imagine inviting friends to your instanced Garrision in WoD and there being too many instances ope…naaa. Never happened, despite (I presume) every person who played Wod having a garrison active at one time or another in any day.

While player housing in WoW would certainly be instanced, there is no reason it also couldn’t be instanced as a part of a group of houses. Like Villages, with a set number of houses per joint instance.

Other games manage tht sort of thing, I find it hard to believe a company with like 600 employees and gazillions of dollars couldn’t manage it as well.