Player houseing concept

Okay, i believe i was told runescape already did something like this but i feel this would be so good for wow

Back in WoD i actally really loved the garrison mechanic other than they made it too convient, it would have been better to minus the bank, ah, mine and garden because no one needed to leave and it did detract from the social aspect of the game in that sense.

But i sont think overall it was a bad idea so what if they implemented guild houseing with player houseing

So a guild would create its own town, the guild house would be the center and depending on achievements/ renoun / rep or what ever coyld have those things an ah, bank ect.

And then the player houseing would be around the guild houseing which is purely cosmetic.

I feel this adds the customization that players would want while also for the most part keep the social aspect of the game alive as it would encourage people to be in a guild / community

Also their could be “transmog” stuff invloved with this as ever since transmog was added it was always a big part of my group to run old content to get the good stuff therefor adding more reasons

Truthfully you could make a profession or too over this. Let me know all yalls thoughts

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New day, new… I mean, old post. Some things never change, good to see. :grin:

The poor horse.

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We all know blizzard under ion won’t be able to do it because he is just bad at his job… looks at the past for proof

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Palia has player housing that looks kinda interesting. I’m not sure the rest of the game will hold player’s attentions but maybe it’ll fill the void since there probably won’t ever be housing in this game.

My thoughts are to start off with using the space under the capital cities as rooms and have the opinion to hang guild banners. :wrench::robot:

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Yes well they still havent implemented it, and i wasnt apart of the last post so here it is.

They already talked about it. Their dev said that they do want to implement it but they don’t want to do a shoddy job of it. So that when it does come out, its going to have tons of features. Its a moot post because they’re already going to release it, its just a matter of when and what expansion it comes out at. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

And for your info. if I remember it right, it was Ion who spoke about this. Don’t ask me to find the video though, I am too tired / exhausted to sift through stuff to find it for you, sorry. :hot_face: :cold_face:

Okay so on your thing saying it is an RP, well one could make the arguement transmog is an RP that is optional but 99% (numbers pulled from my own head) of the playerbase uses the transmog system

Also one could argue you wanted to see people in the major cities being populated is for RP.

The whole point of this would be to encourage interaction in a community sense. Yeah i probably wouldnt see a full SW full of people i dont know but i would have a community of people i did know

Right and i actually did watch that video which is why i would suspect it is going to be annouced at this blizzcon for the next expansion

And i made this post because i agree with others that i dont want to be isolated so having a form of guild and or community houseing along with personal housing is a better soluntion imo

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Ahh word! I wouldn’t expect it to be out this soon, I am thinking atleast another year or 2. There’s no way its going to be amazing if it comes out now, those features he promised and more? I doubt they got it all done already? Anyway, I’m excited to see what happens and how well they fare with regards to it. :flushed: :fire: :smiling_imp:

Yes, guild or community housing would be ideal. :o:

Well the soonest it would be would be next year. And considering ion talked about it what a year or two ago its been all that time, cuz blizzcon is in novemeber which would announce player housing in the next expansion for next year, at least i think thats what the time line would be either way it would be in the next expansion not in dragonflight

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But again i want to be clear incase blizzard ended up reading this

Community / guild houseing along with player houseing

Like a guild center that worked similar to the garrision run by the leaders and officers but then srurrounded by the individual player housing

It creates a sense of community alot with being able to work towards / showoff your own achievemnts

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So you want player housing but you don’t want people to spend time in their houses?

No, guilds shouldn’t have mechanics associated with them. They should be purely social constructs.

  • For people without guilds, you’re basically saying “accept the first spam invite you see or don’t participate in this content”.
  • For people with guilds, you make it much more difficult to coordinate with friends who are in other guilds. Most of the time when I’ve actually been involved in a guild in WoW, it’s not just us, but a whole constellation of associated guilds. Having separate “towns” for each guild would be a mess.


Player housing can be done in WoW. They had every intention of doing so. When it was even a fake makeover “Garrisons” it was a pillar for that particular expansion just like major new city hubs in each expansion prior to WoD and after WoD. Currently WoW only develops expansions centered around “systems” which do not mean anything in next expansion.

What needs to happen is “greener pastures”. Theres been many post centered around this subject. Blizzard has reluctantly refuses to go all in or gives us teases but nevertheless, we get drips of green pastures from time to time. Ion mainly focuses on raid for each patch and expansion so its hard to tell and slow moving for green pastures in World of Warcraft.


The problem you want to avoid is people being able to do everything while in their own instanced room. If a new player goes to a capital city and finds it always empty makes the game feel dead. But you do want people to interact but it is a good idea to allow players to interact and chamge their own enviorment.

So to ur bit about guilds not having mechanics, they have litterally had mechanics added to them since Cata. You are already pressured to accept the first guild invite and thats why they do it because it works

And if your house is already instanced then no one can see it anyway at least with a community mechanic you could then be able to “show off” your house and style

Well finish the rest of it