"Player Etiquette Threads" A breakdown

A bunch of these threads have been springing up which is a nice change of forum topic. I will explain a very simple explanation of what it is and why it matters, and some examples.

In vanilla, your server community is small. People remember names. Guilds remember players. Players remember guilds.

Guilds in Vanilla form Alliances for the following
-World boss defense/kill
-Work together for buff drops from heads
-Help with special BS craftings to one another
-Help with keys for getting into UBRS

Guilds blacklist you for being a dick, ninjaing, bad behavior, and troublesome actions in general. These guilds communicate. You can really drag your name through the mud and find yourself raid guild banned on a server.

Vanilla resources in the world are sought after
-Brack Rotus - also known as Black Lotus by people who don’t actually get them
-Dark Iron - Pay attention to this one.

-Steal a chest that someone is killing a monster by
INSTEAD - Help them kill the mob and ask them if there is a item that is for your class in there. You would be supresied how many times a warrior will hand you mana pots or a caster will ask if you want the peice of mail gear.

-Steal a node
INSTEAD - Go and get the next one in the spawn pattern. Stealing a brack rotus will be very profitable. You might get a thread made about it on the forums along with screenshots. Some people may defend your actions due to the herb but there is a handful that won’t.

-Walk up and take a named mob kill from a group because you are better at spamming tab and a instant attack. Ask to join group, if they are full then it’s free game.

-Need on greens to DE and not pass out mats evenly.

-Inside a instance, ask if anyone else is taking a gather profession and offer to round robin it or /roll

It really comes down to this. Would it make you happy if someone did it to you? Is it intentional? Throwing buffs at players while running past them is very generous - try to buff back. Don’t get angry at the priest who is in combat who didn’t buff you back.

If you want to just say “f it all, i’m gonna be the villain”. Thats great. You will become infamous and disliked by many. It’s a whole different way to play the game and as someone who has done it before back in WoTLK I will say it can be fun. It’s easier to hurt your image than it is to help your image.

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No need to force your “style” of play on others. Your rules do not equal my rules. My rules are quite simple, don’t be a jerk.


Why are people making posts talking about how other people should play the game?


Please quote where i used the world “rules”. If you actually read my post you would realize it’s just a explanation of what behavior can lead to and things that people look for.

It’s an advice thread.

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These posts are just turning into tumors. I’ll say what I said in another similar thread. Some references were mentioned in your post. Some weren’t. But it’s still relevant. In this case, the reference not in your post is the topic of elitism. But you can replace that with being a constant pushover instead.


Your subject line reads and I quote, “player etiquette” and your thread insinuates the word rule.

For example:

Which is directly followed by:

And again with:

Followed by:

In your thread, you continue to outline other behaviors which you suggest that other players take. ie: rules.

I happen to agree with Thundertotem and Starz.

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There is no rules, its behavior advice on how to play with other people when you will see them again. Not sure what else to say.

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These are your rules which you are suggesting others to follow. Some players might follow your rules and others will definitely not follow your rules. Please stop being politically correct and re-naming the word rules to behavior advice.

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basically, play MY way or be shamed…

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Idk how i am being politically correct by anything i have said in this thread.

No, it’s advice on how not to get shamed.

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No one asked for your “advice”.

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Okay, I hate to prove how amateur I am, but, what does it mean to “throw a buff?” How would I buff back?

I’ve noticed a lot of node stealers, grr… They just fly right up while your fighting and sneak on by.

I enjoy the fact that others cannot force their playing style upon me. Etiquette it great, but i’m sure at one point in time every player finds his/herself playing the part of the villain…and isn’t that just a wee bit more fun?

Classic is going to be every man for himself for at least a month until people start to reach higher levels and the need for forming groups and guilds arises. If you cant handle someone stealing your node or chest or what have you then I wouldn’t bother playing for the first few months.

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If you are running by someone and you arn’t using mana and you can buff someone then do it. Fort, Arc int, kings etc. They will do it back usually. It’s a kind gesture.

My rules are “TAKE IT FROM ME IF YOU CAN.” if its a cross faction player.

if its the same faction well. I just ignore them flip them off, fume about it for a few minutes and dont help them as I watch the opposite faction feast upon their failure of a coprse.

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I already know that launch is going to be crazy. 9 people diving a chest. This is long term advice though.

To hell with getting shammed if it’s by people other than the players in your guild which you actually give a damn about. Playing dirty can be vastly more rewarding than offering common courtesy and puts you at an advantage of being in first place. Just do two things;

-NEVER fool yourself into believing what you’re doing makes you superior to the people you screw over. You’re only better than them when you get things they don’t get. Whether by your hand or by fate.

-What you’re doing is what it is and that’s all there is to it. Accept you’re being unsportsmanlike and move on.

You do you for your betterment and that of your guildmates. This is how me and my guild did things and we did alright. Only time we showed any amount of good will was when we did a co-op with another guild and agreed to not screw each other over in order to deny another guild’s advancement because they had players which stole from us before they /gquit.

It never had to do with “would I like it if this person did the same thing to me” or “treat others the same way you would want to be treated.”

It had to do with what got us an advantage and what could hold us back if we did or didn’t do x, y or z.

Vanilla was war and if you didn’t keep your focus your neck would be used as a metaphorical toilet, son.

I mean, come on. If you can’t see how that’s racist, I dunno what to tell you.


Guilds blacklisting that chains to other guilds blacklisting is very real.

How is it racist?

I’ll gladly post my main. I can’t post from it, sadly.

Hes also avoiding posting now and just “liking” every one of your posts. It’s kind of humorous.

I will happily run up and take a node or chest while you’re busy clearing the mobs for me.

Then when you complain I’ll say, “lol u mad?” and vanish, ideally after drinking some noggenfogger. Or Devious Delight.