Player Agency and Covenants

And then no more choices for the next to years. Awesome.

Which is exactly why we can change talents…

You always have the option to switch. It’s just not instantaneous. As it should be.

So change your talents. Not everything in the game should be handed to you, heaven forbid.

Ok so then When I finish my raiding at 12 and want to do a key should I have to swap first? Should I let my team down in the key by having the wrong ability? I timed a key tonight by 7 seconds and covenant abilities will male far more than 7 seconds difference.

I think you accidentally made my point for me. Lol

The game shouldn’t be balanced around M+ since it has no ceiling. And if you can raid successfully but not manage an arbitrary key, it ain’t the ability holding you back.

Or they could make covenants flexible - and those of us that want to stick with our first choice can do so, and those that want more choices that add value to their gameplay can do so as well.

We, as RP/casuals, gain nothing for having the covenants be restrictive as they are. The only value we gain is if we specifically want to force others into playing how we play - which is selfish.

Can you provide some certification of RPG omnipotence that gives you the authority to state how things should and shouldn’t be in a game you don’t manage and/or develop?

Not everything would be handed to players - they would still have to do the biggest part of the game, which is playing the game and completing the content.

Being given tools is only a small portion of what it takes to play the game successfully.

You can see this everyday when you see raids going into prior tier fights with 30+ ilvls of inflation and still can’t kill the bosses.

The tools is FAR from everything in the game.

The CHOICE to choose tools across all the kinds of content, across various roles, and a ridiculous number of class combinations means a lot to many players, and to them makes the game fun and adds value.

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Lol ok buddy.

I wouldn’t call a +22 "arbitrary"but ok. Choices actually matter by then. It’s not a weekly no leavers +8 or something.

^ this cannot be said enough.

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Is this another Resto Druid trying to dumb down the game so she can reach +25 like all the other cool druids?

Or you can swap. The ability to swap is still there, so again, how is it affecting RP/Casuals?

Do you not care about Covenants being rendered entirely useless and pointless if people could swap Covenant Abilities/Soul binds/Conduits like a talent?

How does Final Fantasy, Guild Wars 2, and ESO manage to have factional uniqueness (including abilities and professions) and WoW can’t manage even one without over-dramatic panic?

And the exclusivitiy of making certain choices that are unique and beneficial also means a lot to many players. Hence, Specializations in Professions, which are gone now, courtesy of those around you.

Edit - Yes it is.

It isn’t… That was his point that you somehow missed.

I would not be prohibited from sticking to my original pick - so no, why would I care what others could do?

You say that it renders them useless and pointless - but that’s your opinion. To other players, the ability to change things up over different types of groups/content is useful and meaningful.

Why would I want to take that away from them when I can still get the RP value from the game by making my own choice and sticking with it? Like I said - we gain nothing for having a restrictive system that we otherwise couldn’t still get in a flexible one.

I mean I think FFXIV goes in the flexible direction. They don’t create these kinds of restrictions on top of restrictions. In Final Fantasy a single character can play as all classes/specs.

The big thing about WoW over those other games is that it has more diversity and challenge in it’s end-game content that makes the QoL flexibility much more desirable.

Like I said before, we can still exclusively be loyal to a single covenant in a flexible system. Nothing would prevent us from doing so.

Just like nothing prevents myself and the guild/communities I play with from changing our talents/specs. We play with a casual/RP mentality and don’t change things today within the flexible systems that already exist.

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It’s even worse if you tank for raids, but dps in arena.

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How is giving people choices throughout an expansion having “everything handed to you”?

You still have to play the game and a players skill still needs to play the character properly.

Having covenants be flexible is far from “being given everything”.

Apparently the big issue is the movement/utility abilities, not so much the damage/class abilities.

Preach just released a video on this.

Bingo. In the end Blizzard just gets more padding to their metrics with people being forced into playing multiple copies of the same class.

Also- casuals also enjoy the freedom to switch things up just for fun as well.

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Yeah, I agree. Most of the people who support Lock-in are… casuals?

Like I want the freedom to express myself.

Nope - they’re just people that want to force everyone into playing the game in an antiquated DnD fashion.

Thank the WoW Gods for you!

I would agree with you there, except if that were the case why would they be limiting players the ability to experiment with various end-game builds by making 1/4 of the possibilities impossible without a great cost to the one you mainly wanted. Not everyone is going to be researching and being in-tune with the community, and this system severely harms anyone who wants to use their own brain to play the game.