Played the Queen Ansurek story mode fight….it should just be the whole Raid


I don’t care if a single piece of loot drops the whole run.

Don’t care if I don’t get a single reward out of it.

Just Give me the whole raid with followers, balanced like the Ansurek fight was. Let me do it one time, on my time and on my terms.

I can do regular difficulty runs for loot later.


I really would enjoy being able to do the whole raid. Split it up into wings like LFR for Story Mode.


You could just watch a youtube video?

seriously, there’s basically no difference between the story mode and watching a video of someonelse playing.

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Me playing through it is entirely different than watching YouTube.


Being in the game and experiencing it is a much better way to see things that is in the game lol.


Watching one thing.

Doing another.

Me learn doing.


Just because it’s easier and doesn’t spit out gear? :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Soulless.


she cant kill you and 9 NPC are doing everything ( albeit slowly) while you stand back and watch. you can press button randomly if you want to make it go faster. It not possible to fail it…

it’s a youtube video.

Me no sit threw video.

Me sit threw game.

it’s not ““easier””.

it’s impossible to fail and 9 NPC do everything. you can AFK for the entirety of it and the outcome wouldn’t change.

So? :dracthyr_a1: They wanna be there and see it for free and that’s fine. If you wanna watch youtube or run it 30 times on heroic/mythic just to not ever get the ring then have at it.


They also have to alter the fights to such a degree you can’t learn anything from them, and if anything they’re going to put you in a worse place because you’ll be expecting things that happened in story mode that won’t otherwise. LFR at least managed to keep the general shape and pacing of encounters.

As long as they don’t put Enchanted Runed Crest behind doing the entire thing sure why not.

Don’t really care for raiding, doubt I’ll be interested in the other encounters before Queen.

But there’s no ads or sponsors if I play it myself.

Infinitely better.


Other than a sense of immersion and actually playing the game :roll_eyes:


I’m not standing back and watching. If you do that, grats on being lazy. Me? I actually play the game. Even in Story Mode.

I’m there to experience it. I’d like to experience the whole thing. I’m not there to train for how to run higher modes.


This does not matter to me.

Alter the fights however necessary. Remove all the loot. Don’t care.

Just lemme do 1 run of a Story Mode for the entire Raid instead of just the final boss.

i’m a bit lost as to why they did “story mode” when LFR basically already is story mode…but w/e. If people like it, fine.

LFR is even more hectic and awful than normal imo. :joy: the last thing I could do is enjoy it.

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i’m still wondering if follower dungeons and story mode raid are basically catering to the people who play who just dont want to group. That does seem sorta antithetical to an MMO, and honestly I hope a lot of dev time isn’t wasted on it at the cost of other stuff in game that we might rather have.

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