Playable Vrykul When?

Sorry not reading 30+ replies

I didn’t ask you to. I was informing you there were ideas posted. That’s on you if you want to read them or not to be informed. I really don’t care.

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Really? Evidently not to Blizzard, though. It would look kind of funny.

Also, wouldn’t a Tauren have trouble in Stormwind?

Yeah, I kind of think we’ll never get Ogres either (even if they are Horde, of course.) Someone did show a graphic of an ogre shrunk to Tauren height, but again it just seems odd so I’m not sure Blizzard would ever do it.

Oh yeah, WAY more popular. That is the point, I think Blizzard only made Kul’Tiran because people wanted Vrykul. Can’t have super tall characters, so human types that are fairly tall and chubby!

Vrykul are unique, have been asked for since Wrath and ALWAY top player requests as a race (well, besides High Elves :wink: ) So if they were “doable” to Blizzard, I think they would have done them.

There are many ways to make them playable. They chose not to. They chose to give people who whined for human Druids the KT instead.

It is what it is. But it makes no sense to me when there were options. Just my two cents.

well you are the one who decided to nitpick, have a nice day

The model for the female Human is ~5’8".
The model for the male Human is ~6’1".

The model for the female Kul’Tiran is ~7’3".
The model for the male Kul’Tiran is ~7’9".

I don’t think describing them as “a bit taller” is doing the divergence justice.

I wasn’t nitpicking… I was simply letting you know there were posts about it in case you wanted to check it out.

Good lord… people get bent out of shape about the weirdest things. :roll_eyes:

Never. They gave us Kul’Tiran instead of Vrykul, and Void Elves instead of High Elves. Blizzard just does stuff like this to be spiteful.

Velves instead of Helves and Ethereals. Two birds with one stone.

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I can totally see people getting vrykul and then complaining that they don’t have paladins or druids when nearly every allied race so far has been met with people complaining that they lack one or more classes (void elf paladins and DHs, Lightforged monks, Highmountain warlocks, nightborne druids and DHs, Mag’har paladins, Kul Tiran paladins, Zandalari warlocks, vulpera druids).

They could still give them a redemption and be reborn in ardenweald in shadowlands because not all of them wanted to follow gorak tul and be killed by fat humans