Playable Vrykul When?

So we’ve known about the Vrykul since Wrath, but they were primarily hostile. As of Legion, we have some friendly Vrykul. Vrykul are awesome. I want to play one. When do we get playable Vrykul? Please Blizz, lemme Vrykul.


I’d be down, gimme those Vrykul shaman.

What classes do you think they would have? I’m guessing warrior, hunter, shaman, warlock, priest, deathknight


They’re just tall humans. I mean you got fat humans and complained cause they were just fat humans. Now you want just tall humans?


Well, furry goblins have been a huge hit so go figure.


Never, since Kul’Tiran were basically their compromise for not having Vrykul.

The Vrykul are too tall, for a player race.
Mini-Vrykul would be dumb; Shrink one down to Tauren height (which is as tall as a character can be.)

People kept saying they wanted those “human-like” big things, so we got Kul’Tiran instead. It is only a bit taller than humans, with it going to other direction to appear bigger (width.)


Alliance Vrykul will soon be here. Soon.


They are just Viking Humans with very broad fore heads and Neanderthal noses like Dwarves.


Why the anti-Vrykul activism? Aren’t there more things of value to take away from people? Like I get the Helf negativity because that’s literally just taking the strict model of Belfs and giving them Blue Eyes.

Didn’t we just get a 2nd gnome? Like objectively one of the least played races in the entire game yet people think we can’t have another tall human. #logic

Kul Tirans are not as tall as Vrykul, they’re fat (not trying to offend anyone here but they biggens), and they’re just not the same. They don’t even run the same. Vrykul have Warlocks first of all. Also Paladins. Kul Tirans have neither my dudes.

When the Aliance get Vrykul what will the Horde get? Umm… Hello? Ogres. Duh. 2 big races and both of these races are the ancestors to the original faction racial leaders. Like literally what would be a better throwback to Warcraft than this?

Orcs came from Ogres and Humans came from Vrykul. Both giants. Both progenitors. Both bad@ss. Both loved.

STOP! You’re making my mouth water. :heart_eyes:


After playable Tuskarr.


I prefer before personally.

Wrong. Actiblizz can grant a ducking ability for Vrykul which would allow them to crouch effectively through doorways.

What a dull straw man of a response. Really makes me think people in general really do not want the alliance getting any “OG” races, just knockoff versions of existing ones.

Alliance deserve at least one good race that has some rather rich lore. Not saying there aren’t good ones already, just none recently in the modern age of WoW, except Dark Iron, though that’s about it.

Unbiased btw, so don’t go flinging those childish responses at me.


I don’t think we will ever get playable Vrykul as they are now because of the size issue. You can say give them a duck function all you want, that’s not really a realistic solution.

Our best chance at getting Vrykul is finding a smaller offshoot in some new land after Shadowlands. Not true Vrykul but another branch like the Drust.

For example say the Vrykul that started to give birth to smaller babies split into two groups. One group ended up in Arathi and became humans. A second group sailed off to the other side of Azeroth and they changed differently. Tthey didn’t shrink quite as much, say conveniently to about the size of Kul’tirans. And because they didn’t come into contact with any elves their primitive viking style culture remained mostly intact.

If Vrykul are put in game, Ion will put them on the horde. Alliance will never get helfs or vrykul as long as Ion is here.

when do we get playable hyenas? ive killed a bunch in Uldum and now i want to play as one. please blizz, lemme hyena

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We should’ve had Drust instead of KT. Would’ve made more sense instead of killing them all off and creating stupid large humans that make no sense.


No, they’re tall, non-defective humans.
If you quested in Wrath, you’d learn that they basically have all of the Human Potential™ with some added brute strength and a much more primitive honor system.
Because Humans are the defective off-spring of the Vrykul.

And give me tall, nordic humans.
I wanna be a viking.


are those drust?
Rhielle. Help. I am the big dumb.

You are not dumb. :kissing_heart:

The Drust were a group of Vrykul that did have a link to Druidism, yes. Before Gorak’tul went bat crazy. And then the KT wiped them out except for a few.

Had they kept more of them alive, we would’ve had a spectacular new culture and way of looking at Druidism.

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You misspelled Drust in the post I referenced. I was like “What the hell is a Druat?”

… wow. Autocorrect failed me. LOL

I’ll fix that. Sorry. Haha

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Kul Tirans are relatively close.

They’re essentially half human, half vrykul, and half beer belly.
Yes, I know that doesn’t add up right.