Playable Vrykul When?

They’re not half Vrykul. Blizz debunked that theory. They just wanted to make different sized humans.

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If they ever do add them, they can save some money on voice acting by borrowing from this guy. Since they sound pretty much the same to me


This isn’t a “strawman” response though. Look at the Kul Tirans, a rich lore history that includes the Drust. In fact to me I feel the playable KTs are part Drust because of how big they are, way bigger than normal humans. That makes them even more interesting.

But reception of them has been luke-warm at best. They’ve been called “just fat humans” over and over by Ally players. Their lore means nothing, all that matter is what do they look like.

Vrykul look like tall humans. That’s it. Give them cool tattoos, maybe make their faces a little different, different hair styles… still just tall humans. Sorry.

Agree, 100%.

I would love to see them join the Alliance (being ancestors of humans after all) but if they were made Horde, it would be the one thing that would get me to switch.

You know that Trolls are taller than Tauren, right? Always have been. Go test it in game. When Darkspear trolls stand up, they’re taller than Tauren.

Palyers: Hey Blizzard! Could we play with giant Vikings?
Auntie Blizz: OK! We understand! You can play humans weighing more than 180 kilos.

Alliance! The faction of Compromise!

Have Mercy


But they aren’t. Blizz specifically said they aren’t. They just wanted to make different sized humans.

Non-playable Kul Tiran human models include thin, normal and fat body types. The playable Kul Tiran use the fat body type. They are not intended to be a separate race, they are simply variants on Kul Tirans made because Blizzard wanted bigger and smaller models to fit the various NPC roles and add more flavor to the world. They are not biologically different from other humans.

Sure, Kul Tiras history is long and involved and that’s great. But they did a piss poor job with this playable KT crap.

I’d totally swap to vrykul in a heart beat

I maintain that we are just really hairy dwarves.


Probably never owing to the model being way too big to interact properly with a lot of environments.

Thing is… we have trinkets that turn us into Vrykul. And Zandalari sized would be perfectly acceptable, imo.

If they had gone the Drust route, they could have easily gone with a model that tall as a way to say “This is what differentiates them from Northrend Vrykul. They got smaller.” Kind of like the difference between Nelfs and Belfs. I feel there’s ways to explain that where it would make sense with lore.

The issue is that the Vrykul that we’ve seen have all been scaled to a specific height and stature that would make interacting with a lot of level geometry (IE most human sized doorways) impossible.

Now sure, you can scale them down, but at that point they’re really just glowering humans.

Wrong, they would have done that with Tauren when they had trouble some places (still do, if I recall.)

No one really wants “short Vyrkul.” So that is the main problem.

And KT are just fat humans. Ones no one really wanted and make little to no sense with their size.

The difference is, Vrykul have a look and culture that people love and wanted. Developing that into a step in between human size and Vrykul size would not have been difficult to do.

It was brought up in many threads that making them around Tauren size was acceptable to many. With Zandalari as tall as they are, that is also an option.

Better lore, more sense for Druid, etc. It would have made much more sense than what we got for playable KT.


I guarantee you they’d still be whining about them not being big enough or how their racials are bad or how they don’t have enough classes.

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They would have to re-size every doorway and mount to do it, so don’t count on it as vrykul are bigger than even tauren.

So we will never see ogres, as they are bigger than tauren. :smirk:

shadowlands there has to be other things to grind for.

And I can guarantee you they’d still be more popular than KT.

People will always complain. That’s irrelevant.

That was already addressed.

The Horde got green orcs as they always wanted, but complains about the racial ones.
The Horde got night bournes but complains about the appearance.

They still use them anyway.