Playable Sethrak when?

Never, because the window of opportunity to add this race has long since closed. The community spent most of BfA deluding themselves into believing that Alliance sethrak and Horde vulpera were guaranteed to happen, then the impotent rage spawned by the introduction of mechagnomes proved exactly why the Alliance playerbase doesn’t deserve the former as much as they think they do.

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So help me - if they offer a playable tailed race like the Sethrak before Worgen get their tails a blizz developer is going to find themselves bitten, hard!

Give Worgen a tail option before you make Sethrak playable!


Good god hell no the Sethrak look awful

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I think they do not, but they should imo. These extra stuff is quite important for many of us, it’s actually the main appeal of the game to us.

ikr? The look so cool, they’re humanoid snakes!! And I LOVE how they sound. :snake:


I’d love it. The sethrak should have their story continued, I’d love to see what’s going on outside of just a few NPCs in Dazar’alor.


I very much would love to have Sethrak!

I’d especially like to see the Devoted to Horde and Remnant Faithless going Alliance.

Be neat to see the Horde get a very… Pious group and the Alliance a warlike group.

Sethrak for the players!
:snake: :zap:

Here is the main AR thread.


Between sometime after class balance exists and sometime before the third demon hunter spec.


Tomorrow for sure. Just be positive, its gonna happen. Any day nao! :disappointed_relieved: :pleading_face: :flushed:

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Old Gods that would be amazing.

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Should’ve been Sethrak horde, Vulpera alliance, but Blizzards been dropping their A Game on lore building and storytelling ever since they soldout to Activision and the end of wrath when we’ve been out of Gas, because they refused to make warcraft 4.


Plus… gnomes are gamey. Theyre all gristle

Yup! They look so damn cool too, the running animation for them is wicked.

I definitely think it’s time for Warcraft 4.

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Incoming darkspear ogres who are all very thin.

Same. I know some people want there to be endless expansions, but this horse is beyond dead. Might as well just make WC4 with the same gusto they gave stracraft 2, then spend several years making a better WC MMO.

Someone at Blizzard really thought players would want mechagnomes over sethrak.

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No, they thought it would make more sense to give the Alliance a race that’s clearly based on an existing Alliance race, lives in neutral territory, and who Alliance players would spend a lot of time with over a race that’s only tangentially related to an Alliance race by rig, lives in Horde territory, and who Alliance players interact with for one throwaway questline and a dungeon that they canonically never even did. Yet I keep seeing this exact statement that implies the devs looked at the community’s misguided belief that the Alliance would get sethrak as a foil to the Horde getting vulpera and chose to give them mechagnomes out of spite, stemming from the other belief that allied races were a popularity contest.

To be fair, blizzard did say to let them know what we would like to see for allied races when the system was announced.
Not sure why they asked for that and then went off and did their own thing that was clearly planned long in advance.

I guess they just thought it would be some fun community engagement? But its only natural that players would end up thinking they had some say in the matter.

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Almost like the world building for Alliance in BFA was non-existent and that’s the problem, not them wanting a race that was a clear parallel from a basic high school level narrative design point.


Yaa who cares. Id rather have an interesting race design that people ye know actually wanted over a gnome that is worse to transomg, and even has worse hair options.

Bfa gave the alliance 2 of the absolute least played races in aka fat humans and diaper gnomes meanwhile foe the horde vulpera exists.

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