Technically Void Elves according to their unlock quest chain are just fleshy Void Ethereals…
That is not how that works sir.
Thank you! I have some ideas rolling around.
Nice work… I actually want to play a Venthyr now !!
Thank you! Hope we’ll be able to!
PLEASE blizz make the covenant races playable, please bring something good out of Shadowlands!
Just updated the OP to include the male Venthyr hairstyles. Will be uploading a facial hair option here soon.
Here’s the first facial hair option I’ve came up with. Felt like the Venthyr could use a really long style since vampires tend to be ancient, and this look kinda adds to that aspect.
This is absolutely sick, don’t really think we’ll get it but it’d be cool if they did it this way
Thank you. I hope we do, but we will see.
I would not play as any of these races. They all suck.
That’s alright. I don’t play as every race in game either. To each their own.
I like it all except that I don’t feel like, lorewise, it makes sense for a large number of denizens of the afterlife existing outside of said plane.
I agree in that it probably wouldn’t be a large number joining. If anything, they would probably be a small number, similar to the lore of some of our current playable races.
Thats close to the beard I was trying to possess myself for awhile.
There isn’t anything preventing them really.
While its hard to go between planes normally we already have established connections to Oribos now and several of the SLs races do appear to routinely go between realms.
The fact of the matter is that while it is not easy, its only as hard as it is for us to do as it is for them to do.
Sylvanas didn’t break the barrier between realms for no reason. She needed to to make it easier as there was no connection to the Shadowlands to give her access.
Now there is.
I’m glad you like it! I bet the beard would’ve looked good on you too!
Well said! I do hope Blizzard does something with these races. I think they would be a great end of the expansion perk after we helped them out so much.
I just finished the last two facial hair options for the Venthyr, so I am now done with them. Time for the Kyrian & Forsworn!
In all fairness, lore wise there aren’t a large number of many things: Blood Elves, DHs, Void Elves, etc. It also helps that while the PCs are in fact a canon high ranking soldier in either Horde or Alliance as our feats are canon, the specific named characters RPed as are not.
End of the Dream for example shows a generic class stand-in in place of the PC for instance.
Exactly, well said.