Playable Centaurs Incoming (Maybe)

Dracthyr being limited to the Evoker class is silly to me, imagine if they made it so Pandaren could only be Monks!!

I could see them wanting Dracthyr to exclusively be Evoker through all of DF and then loosen it towards the end but who knows. Perhaps at the end of the expansion, they’ll do something like, blah blah Dracthyr learn to become other classes thanks to the help of their new allies.

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I would have been fine with this one.
Just sayin’ :sweat_smile:

I don’t know. Maybe I’m old school. The idea of some races having a martial or magical discipline that’s unique or exclusive to them does not bother me much–if at all. I think that makes the world feel more wonderous when you’re interacting with a group of people doing things or interacting with the world in ways you are completely unfamiliar with.

Fringe cases(Like Belf Druids for example) should be just that. Fringe. Rare, not norm, a source of all sorts of speculation and analysis and immersion or the depth of world building shouldn’t always be shot down for the same of game convivence.

Also Dracthyr have a lot of stuff involving wings, claws, and tails. Would we give I dunno, Forsaken or human Evokers magical tails? :thinking:


Oh I meant expanding it so Dracthyr could be rogues, warriors and mages etc. So you don’t have to give up the class you like to play for the the race you want to be etc. I don’t have a problem with Evoker being exclusive to Dracthyr like Demon Hunters exclusive to Night Elf and Blood Elves. Though I wouldn’t be oppose to Demon Hunters expanding to other races with the lore basis that the Illidari start recruiting and training new members.

I know that I contradict myself but I’m glad monks are not limited to Pandaren only.


The fun diminishes when you’re not the race that gets the cool unique thing, I think.

Cool to be a Night Elf fan who gets exclusive demon hunter and rare druid classes, less fun when you’re a gnome fan who just gets the “generic” options.

Same with the factions. Two exclusive experiences is cool assuming they’re equal, but for a long time they weren’t, so it is probably for the best that exclusivity is on its way out.

Can always just say “well, play the race/faction which has the experience you want!” but idk, when it comes to creating characters look and feel matters a lot, and people like what they like. I pretty much only play male characters, for instance–if there was ever a genderlocked class like some MMOs do I’d probably just never really play it.


Druids have been around long enough that the uniqueness they had being only a Tauren and Night Elf class has diminished. We have so many more races now that can be Druids that at this point it I wouldn’t be oppose to them allowing all races to be Druids.

Going back to Demon Hunters, I think its fine its been exclusive to Blood Elves and Night Elves but they’ve also been in the game for two expansions now and become normalized. Expanding them to other races doesn’t seem too weird to me.

Evoker limited to just Dracthyr for Dragonflight and the next expansion or two seem reasonable to me. Yet perhaps down the road it is open up and playable by other races, maybe expand it so the Visage form can be any (playable) mortal race and we just solved that issue easy peasy.


I do not think Centaur are happening at all. That being said- I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE THEM.

I have always said make Centaur Horde and make Dryads playable for the Alliance. They can whip something up for mounts im sure.

Though out of thw races uodated in dragonflight Tuskarr are probably the most likely

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The only issue is flying mounts.

I predicted allied races halfway through Legion and was called names for it. It was just obvious that Horde was getting Nightborne, and I expected High Elves to be added for balance. The elves were just higher than I expected them to be.

I wish this was a more hardcore RPG and they’d just give us stuff and if it’s like, a species that isn’t bipedal, they have very limited options.

No, you can’t use your spectral tiger on your centaur. They ARE ground mounts and they have 1 type of large flying mount: the end.



It has to do with how Blizzard does NPCs now.

Back in the day, every NPC was ‘custom built’ and not treated like a player character. They used lots of shortcuts and different assets since they would only be used or interacted with in limited ways. It saves a lot on data and helped WoW run on potatoes.

Starting in BfA, they started making them more like PCs, with the ability to equip armor and emotes and all kinds of things. Now they can basically populate an area with NPCs and manipulate them as they would PC models. And they can have them use emotes and equip gear on the fly or whatever. It takes more processing power, but computers are better these days.

And it makes converting them into playable races that much easier if they decide to. Mostly its future proofing for if they want to do more advanced in game cutscenes or other in game interactions.


A few years ago sure, but there’s a not insignificant number of ground mounts that just start running in the air.

How/why can Centaurs do it? It’s Magic, we ain’t gotta explain it! (Titan whoohoo exposure)


I’m too lazy to dig it up but someone did a great break down on the MMO Champion forums about the tech around the character rig.

It started in WoD but didn’t start to get fully used until probably around Legion and BfA but I can’t say for certain.

Yet more or less, the game uses what is referred to as the universe character skeleton. It allowed Blizz to mix and match animations and movements all the while unify the existing player models. It’s likely why we started getting unique class casting animations in Legion regardless of which race you play. The example used to show off the tech was a Sethrak that used male Pandaren legs and walk animation and female worgen chest and default fem worgen casting animation. Then just toss on a unique head and you have a whole brand new race.

The Centaur are obviously a bit more complex since they have a horse body but I suspect it likely uses that same technology. So back to Tammy’s point, it has lead to more detailed and built out NPC races as oppose to what they used to be because its more or less using the same tech that the player character models use.


There are no placeable buckets in Azeroth.

In the wise words of Frieza

“I’ll pretend I did not see that.”

If I don’t think what you mentioned exists, it does not and therefore cannot hurt me.

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I don’t care how they are put in or wear pants, give me the horse people.


It’s in your brain now.

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Continuing the discussion from Playable Centaurs Incoming (Maybe):

Okay, yes, I’m necroing this, but only because this is the kind of thing I think about constantly. I want to point out a couple of things that make this idea seem less-absolutely-impossible.

  • Blizz devs have said for years that one thing they’ve always wanted to do was give us playable naga. It’s always been on their wish-list, but it’s never been done.
  • Related: mounting for naga hasn’t ever been implemented. They had the opportunity to show us a mounted naga model in Legion when the Demon Hunters recruited Lady S’Theno as a bodyguard champion, but rather than gathering up her coils and propping herself up on a flying eel or something she just despawns when you mount (which is super annoying, but w/e)
  • ALSO related (but this time to mounting), recall that the original plan for Tauren in Vanilla was to not give them the ability to mount anything. Instead of mounting, they would just get a racial that let them run really fast. The rationale here was that the Tauren model was too big to put on any of the mounts that they had thus far put into the game (kodo beasts didn’t become mounts until later, after they decided to give Tauren mounts purely for balance reasons).
  • There are several races that do not display certain gear pieces – either fully or in part – due to their biology/body structure. Tauren and Draenei (both kinds of each) don’t display boots due to having hooves; same goes for both kinds of trolls (who don’t have hooves, but have a hobbit-like predilection for going about barefoot), worgen and vulpera (who favor their paws over proper shoes) and for mechagnomes (who don’t display boots, gloves, bracers or the sleeves/legs of their chestpieces/pants). Also worth mentioning: most helmets have always looked bad on worgen and tauren models. Most players of these races that I know who care about character look either work hard to find xmogs that don’t clip, or hide their helm entirely.
  • A lot of mounts also have clipping issues with certain races. Worgen and tauren on rearing horses have to just learn to deal with the idea that their faces are going to temporarily merge with their mount’s head a little; also a lot of dragon mounts have been unrepentantly stabbing us in the chest with their horns ever since they were implemented in the game.

All of this to say, there really is nothing inherently disqualifying about Dragon Isles centaurs becoming a playable race. If you compare the size and proportions of a centaur model with your average horse mount, you’ll see that a centaur is actually a bit smaller. Some mounts these days actually re-size according to the model size of the player character; I could see a centaur model having its hind legs fold up under it (like it was sitting) and allowing the character to fit onto a mount model.
I could also see a centaur getting some kind of racial that lets the character run at mount speed all on her own – or even allow a player to mount (like the druid’s stag form, or the sandstone drake mount). We have two races in game so far who have a racial self-mount ability (worgen and dracthyr); so, this is really not outside the realm of possibility.


They’re never going to add a race that isn’t bipedal. That’s just the fact of the matter. People need to accept it.

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have you considered goblin monk thow?

I don’t think people do need to accept it, really, given that hoping for a video game feature they want doesn’t hurt them or anyone else. While common, this is such a strange thing to say.

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Never underestimate the internet.

I don’t think Goblins, Gnomes and Vulpera should be considered fully bipedal since their legs are so short. Quarter-pedal.