I’m just making a comment/prediction, but why do all this if they’re not going to make them into a hastily shoe-horned in allied race?
Ok fine, the likelyhood that we’re getting playable centuars is up there with getting housing and Blizz apologizing for being garbage. 
I’m not seeing the leap into allied race territory. The Centaur are themed pretty heavily in Dragonflight and you spend a lot of time fighting for, against, and looting legions of their territories. I’d be impressed if there wasn’t themed loot for characters to pick up in their zones to transmog into.
I’m not sure how flying mounts would work with them and would I have to get two pairs of shoes/legwarmers?
Not to mention:

Eh… we didn’t see the BFA allied races coming either really. I saw whole bunches of predictions for the snake folk and even some for the blood trolls. And we kills thousands of Nightborne in Legion and still got them as playable. Also pretty sure no one saw the Lightforged coming either.
lol @ Chonga’s comment.
Admittedly it’s just as likely that we’ll never get them as playable, since as Chonga stated, flying would be problematic. I’m sure there would be a lot of boohooing if centaurs sprouted magical wings to fly instead of being able to mount on one of the ridiculously huge animal mounts… and now I’m laughing imagining a centaur awkwardly standing on the transmog yak. 
Probably just renown rewards for the centaur faction. But it is cool that everyone’s favorite half-dryad half-earth elemental guys are getting some lore and development beyond being a one-dimensional trash mob species.
I think I’ve come up with a solution. Just let them sort of dangle from a rope under the flying mount

I think they did something similar with Naga where they made all this armor fit them. I don’t think this means they’ll be playable but I’m all for giving players what they want.
The transmog yak would be just funny. Just have them pearched ontop of the awning or something. lol
The motorcycle mounts would be an issue too though I guess they could just slap some rollerskates on their hooves and call it a day.
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That pic never fails to make me laugh really hard. Do you think centaur babies would need braces just so they don’t get shaken baby syndrome just from being alive? lol
Personally I think Centaur for Alliance would be great.
We’d finally be able to reenact Narnia.
About as likely as playable gnolls considering the gnolls got new armor, new models, and apparently child models as well.
So in other words not happening.
Goldshire definitely needs more nightmare fuel.
The point I was making is that it makes more sense for their to be themed loot in the location in which the current expansion that’s taking place, as it has been since the Burning Crusade, than there is for that loot to equate to being hints an Allied Race, a feature that was introduced and then quickly dropped in the expansion it debuted in.
Allied races didn’t get dropped after Legion, but whatever. I’m pretty sure we won’t get centuars as playable or anything else we’ve been asking for over a decade. It’s Blizz afterall.
I agree, we’re also getting a lot of Tuskarr themed cosmetics and weapons because they’re one of the factions we earn rep and renown with.
Centaur themed gear for the Centaur faction for earning rep and renown for the Centaur faction doesn’t really read as new allied race to me.
Allied Races were a BFA feature. Nightborne and LFDraenei were a pre-release feature for BFA, offered at the end of Legion, which you had to pre-order. Similar to how DKs for Allied races, Pandaren, etc became available when you pre-ordered Shadowlands.
Also considering Blizzard’s track record, if Centaur rep/faction did unlock an Allied Race I bet odds are it’ll be something completely unrelated. Probably another Elf flavor but maybe something fun like neapolitan or cookies and cream.
I was surprised that we got Dracthyr because my complaint with the game is that I didn’t want a new race to do the same thing in the world(class) but rather have a new class to do new things.
They gave us both in one. Def made me do a double take for sure.
I still stand that I’d rather Blizzard just mold a lot of the customization options and things for new races into our existing ones. Mag’har orcs a prime example. Or to even go further and give us ways to tweak the aesthetics of our class in the way of spells but that’s in the long line of wish lists that I have no expectation of happening.