Playable Blood Elves Don't Represent Quel'Thalas

It’s always the Male Human Paladin.


Aw i missed this thread,


Except this hasn’t happened. The Void Elves have been instantly and enthusiastically accepted because that’s how the Alliance works.

The scenario you’re outlining would only be true if Blizzard treated the Alliance very differently than they do.


Your forgetting Jaina and her purge of Dalaran prevented Varian from compelling Lor’thimar to switch sides to the Alliance in MoP. Screwed twice by the Alliance.

Also, Prince Kael’thas was working with the Legion to secure the existence of his people.

It kinda has, but not in a dramatic enough way. The Church of Holy Light is uncomfortable about them, and some Void Elf NPC’s you talk to when you make one mention they have not received all that warm a welcome.

Anyway I didn’t say it happened initially, U said that would be a fitting direction to take it though.

You … realise, that Kael’Thas joined the Legion right?
In accordance to lore, even before champions came by Tempest Keep and ‘took him out’ its determined that the pact was already made. Hence how he came back in The Magister’s Terrace.

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Priests and Paladins of the Grand Cathedral in Stormwind don’t like them and while they don’t outright kick them out, if a velf player talks to them they are not very warm nor accepting towards them.

Well, aside from the Grand Cathedral thing I just mentioned, Alliance are alarmingly welcoming towards Void tactics. Even Lightforged, who I would’ve thought would have made a perfect counter to void elves, seem perfectly willing to engage in Void tactics.

I’m not sure if the Alliance outside of the Cathedral have actually expressed any concerned. All of the characters that work with Umbric seem to either be perfectly fine with using void magic or just don’t mention it.

Void elves have just melted into the Alliance story with no conflict. There’s no ‘wariness’ you mention.

Hell, the Horde were more cautious of blood elves in TBC than Alliance are of void elves in BfA.


Well, well… someone finally figured it out.



You’re a Void Elf after all that nationalist spiel. Delicious…

You’ve succumbed to the whispers. You are now one of us.

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In fairness only the Void Elf player sees it, but the emissary you first talk to when you get to Stormwind and go to the Hero’s Call board says she has not received all that warm of a welcome from locals either.

But yes I get that, still I think some of it is in effect, it is just rather downplayed because Blizzard isn’t really good at this element of the game, sadly.

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I understand, but I just disagree with what you said about blood elves not getting the forbidden magic feel from the Horde.

I think the Horde were more suspicious and wary of the blood elves than the Alliance are being here towards void elves. My greatest gripe about velves is just how easily they are meshing into the Alliance, they really shouldn’t and there should be problems.

Though the blood elf suspicion is gone now, belves are pretty entrenched in the Horde since MoP.

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what represent Quel’thalas are the male human paladins and tolkien elves amright


Damn forgot to change to Belf to post that. But Day still considers herself Belf at heart, cant stand any of the Windrunners and hates being Alliance.


You should just go back to your Orcs then.

If the game mechanics would allow it I would.


Just go back to playing your blood elf hon.


I play Belves, I play Velves, even have Orc, trolls, humans and Nightborne. I play them all the way I enjoy them. Not all my Allies like Alliance, not all my Hordies like Horde. Thats the fun thong about them being my characters. They dont have to fit your ideals.



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What’s the website to track alts?

I knew it. I knew it was gonna be a Human Male Paladin. Who else? Guild name and everything. 10/10