Play both Factions on Nightslayer. Pro Tip from someone with 2 Master's Degrees, high gamer I.Q

  • You can level up on one faction until you want to switch factions.

  • When ready to switch, delete that character and make a new character with same name on the other faction.

  • Then when you get the urge to switch back to the original faction you can delete that character and use the Restore Deleted Character option on the character create screen to restore your original faction character.

  • You can swap back and forth every 24 hours essentially playing both factions.

  • If you want multiple character on each faction, just delete and restore them all at once every time.

  • you’re welcome, nooblers.

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This is 5D chess if I’ve ever seen it.


Every year change your isp so you can always have a new customer discount.

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Can’t wait to read the QQ threads about people losing their character doing this because they forgot to restore before the data was purged.

Or just get a second account? It’s only $15 a month or 50 cents a day. You can find that under your couch cushions and won’t have to risk losing toons on either faction.

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There’s a fixed amount of undeletes per account.

Dude is out here playing the 60th anniversary servers while we still on the 20th.

Would be easier to have two accounts. Most of us spend way more on subscriptions anyway

Just be over level 50 = no time limit on restore.

Really? I never met this one. How many’s the limit?

I dont believe there is. You just have to wait 24 hours between each.

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14.99 a month so much money, but have you seen my iphone.

This sounds like something a tik tokker would do.

Honestly this, why bother with deleting and stuff that’s just ugh.

Shhh, let the chips fall.

Thanks, I hate it.

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very high IQ :expressionless:

If a server gets locked due to population and you delete your last character, you can no restoree until it gets unlocked.

soooo…keep that in mind danger gamers.

Seen a thread or two like that in the Customer Support forums.

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You’re spoiling the surprise

Nice try, Bobby Kotick. I will never ever give Blizzard a single dime ever again. I paid for 5+ accounts for 2 decades straight, that all ended when i predicted the downfall of Blizzard. I saw the signs of Diablo Immoral, and it opened up my eyes. I saw the sign, never bought D4, knew it was bad… Gamer life is demanding without understanding. I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes and i’ll never give them any money ever again. I have enough Blizzo coin to sub for the rest of my life and live off of Classic WoW and D2r.

Anyways, enjoy my tips, they are carefully calculated and meant for the true gamer, not some pay2win enjoyer.

I underestimated you, OP. Definitely 6D chess.